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시어도어 스터전: Les plus qu’humains (French language) 4 stars

Les plus qu’humains


More Than Human is a 1953 science fiction novel by American writer Theodore Sturgeon. It is a revision and expansion of his previously published novella Baby is Three, which is bracketed by two additional parts written for the novel ("The Fabulous Idiot" and "Morality"). It won the 1954 International Fantasy …

시어도어 스터전: More Than Human (1978, Del Rey) 4 stars

More Than Human


More Than Human is a 1953 science fiction novel by American writer Theodore Sturgeon. It is a revision and expansion of his previously published novella Baby is Three, which is bracketed by two additional parts written for the novel ("The Fabulous Idiot" and "Morality"). It won the 1954 International Fantasy …