R. Casteel

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R. Casteel lives in his hometown of Lancaster, Missouri, with his lovely wife, Viorica, on the family farm, where he raises Black Angus. He retired from the US Navy in 1990. He has traveled extensively while in the service, and even now he and his wife often go to Romania to visit with his wife's family. He has been to several of the resorts along the Black Sea even though the water is too cold for him to enjoy. He has visited the Carpathians and Dracula's Castle. Not only that, but the scenery from his mother-in-law's home is gorgeous, and the people are wonderful. He enjoys the outdoors, loves to scuba dive, and is a Search and Rescue Diver.

With twenty years of military service, which included experience as flight crewman, search and rescue, and four years as a Military Police Officer, it is of little wonder that his books are filled with suspense and intrigue. As to his ability to write romance, His works speak for themselves. From his very beautiful and poignant book The Crimson Rose, dedicated to the Marines who lost their lives in the October 23, 1983 Bombing in Beirut, to his racier novels such as …

Books by R. Casteel