N. J. Walters

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I discovered writing later in life. Like most teenagers, I dabbled with poetry, pouring my insecurities and angst onto pages of blue-lined school notebooks. In my twenties, I tried my hand at children’s stories, even going so far as to take a course in it.

It was only in my thirties that I began to even contemplate writing romance. The odd thing is that I have been a voracious reader of romance most of my adult life. For many years, I read at least one book a day—category romance, paranormal, romantic suspense, historical—I read it all.

With my husband’s encouragement, I wrote two mainstream romance novels. But after several rejections, I put my stories away for over five years. Then I had surgery. It was only gallbladder surgery, but it changed my life. Being laid up for a month, due to several minor complications, I began to think about my writing and wondered what I was waiting for.

Based on some comments on a rejection letter, I rewrote both novels. It was a fantastic learning tool and I sharpened my writing skills. I also noticed a contest for an erotic romance novella online. The contest closed the next day, so …

Books by N. J. Walters