A Gift to Young Housewives

704 pages

English language

Published July 22, 1998 by ‎ Indiana University Press.

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A Gift to Young Housewives (Russian: Пода́рок молоды́м хозя́йкам, tr. Podarok molodym khozyaykam) is a Russian cookbook written and compiled by Elena Ivanovna Molokhovets (née Burman; Елена Ивановна Молоховец) and usually referred to as "Molokhovets" rather than its long title. It was the most successful book of its kind in the 19th and early 20th-century in Russia. Molokhovets revised the book continually between 1861 and 1917, a period of time falling between the emancipation of the serfs and the Communist Revolution. The book was well known in Russian households during publication and for decades afterwards. It was republished in 2003.

1 edition


  • Russian cooking
  • Food and wine
  • Russian history