
DIY Witchery : An Exploration of Secular Witchcraft

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Alex Wrekk: Brainscan (2017, the author)

61 pages

English language

Published May 12, 2017 by the author.

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Alex, a "vegan DIY punk," finally decides to share her identity as a witch with Brainscan readers, discussing her journey into studying and practicing secular witchcraft and her prior reluctance to write about witchcraft in her zines. She defines her identity as an agnostic secular witch and gives a note to skeptics, and writes about the relationship between her witchcraft and DIY/punk. There is also writing about the Tumblr witchcraft community, how Wicca does not equal witchcraft, paganism, Free Schooling, her relationship with her atheist ex-husband, reclaiming her punk house through cleansing, folk magic, animism, Jungian Synchronicity, chaos, and Terry Pratchett's Discworld books. Alex also gives an intersectional critique of modern paganism and witchcraft, including discussion of Karma, spirit animals and Native American culture, "black magic," and cultural appropriation. There are witch tips, book recommendations, a resources list, and a list of secular celebrations that Alex observes. The text-heavy zine …

17 editions


  • Witchcraft
  • Witches
  • Punk culture
  • Households
  • Quality of work life


  • United States