Expanse: A LitRPG Adventure

, #6

English language

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The Archon laid low. Power claimed by the worthy. A new Lord rises.

Felix has established a Stronghold within the Foglands, now called the Territory of Nagast. He has earned a new moniker as well: Autarch. It is a title he cannot help but claim as he sets about securing his new base of operations. Defenses must be managed, the benefits of success shared, and permission granted to allow his followers to explore their new land.

Finally, things are looking up.

Dreams of fire and sand, wind and undeath trouble Felix’s sleep. Crimson armor and golden blades that are marching across scorched deserts half a Continent away. Among it all, an insistent message: a familiar face—another Unbound—is fighting for his very life.

If this Unbound is to survive, he needs Felix’s help.

1 edition


  • LitRPG
  • Fantasy