Kindle, 378 pages

English language

Published Jan. 3, 2023 by Aethon Books.

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The world is safe – from Henry.

Damien has managed to survive all the challenges thrown at him, and he’s even starting to enjoy his time at Blackmist. With Henry and Sylph by his side, he just might actually make it through Blackmist without getting killed. Herald has other plans. Forces that have lurked at the edge of the Void for countless Cycles have started to move, and their power is growing with every passing day. Damien needs to gain mastery over his magic, but Herald isn’t content to let him sit around for much longer.

As more of the truth behind the Void and its purpose on the Mortal Plane is unveiled, Damien is forced to face the concerning truth that the Cycle might really need to be reset.

He won’t let it go without a fight, though. With Henry and Sylph’s help, he plans to bring the battle …

1 edition