The Listening House

Paperback, 219 pages

English language

Published July 11, 1938 by Popular Library.

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The strange events that occurred in Mrs. Garr's lodging house had their beginning when Gwynne Dacres rented a room and spent the first few nights listening to the strange noises the house made. Just little noises that a house might make if it were holding itself tensely awake, listening. Then suddenly murder struck and the body of a man was found lying face down in the weeds at the base of the cliff on which the house stood. That killing set the pattern for a deadly chain of episodes which only began to reach their climax the night Gwynne went to investigate some strange sounds at the back of the house -- and powerful fingers fastened around her throat, dragging her down into whirling darkness. A superb mystery novel, expertly constructed and packed with ever-mounting suspense!

3 editions