平装, 224 pages

Published Aug. 31, 2012 by 江苏文艺出版社.

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4 stars (14 reviews)

当机器人产生了自我意识,它会成为人类的仆人、朋友还是敌人? 1921年,捷克作家恰佩克由捷克文的“劳役、苦工”(Robota)创造出了一个新词,“机器人”(Robot),人类从此有了“机器人”这个概念。 1939年,纽约世博会上展出了第一台家用机器人,它由电缆控制,可以行走,会说77个字,甚至会抽烟,但并不具备实际功能; 1942年,科幻宗师阿西莫夫提出了“机器人学三大法则”,学术界自此有了默认的研发原则; 1954年,美国人德沃尔制造出第一台可编程机器人,从此,各种机器人被制造出来服务人类; 2012年,机器人不仅已成为搬运货物、打扫卫生的苦力,更是老人的看护、孩童的玩伴,在人类世界的各个角落发挥着重要的作用;

2030年,人类一如既往地享受着机器人的服务,却不料,这些被赋予了智能、有了自主意识的机器人正在暗中谋划一起巨大的阴谋; 23世纪,人造黑洞吞噬了地球,人类被迫流亡宇宙; 25世纪,机器杀手穿越时空而来,大开杀戒,屠戮了一整座城市; 27世纪,大战来临,人类在智能远高于自己的机器敌人面前,不堪一击,已到了生死存亡的关头。 决战前夜,7名人类来到了前线,一个名叫海伯利安的星球。他们决定直面残酷的机械杀手伯劳,解开自身命运之谜并拯救全人类。 终有一天,机器的智能会远远超过人类,翻开本书,去看看那天,会发生些什么……

8 editions

reviewed Hyperion by Dan Simmons (Hyperion Cantos, #1)

Review of 'Hyperion' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I am so glad to finally be done with this book. It took me about a year and a half to complete it: I got frustrated about a third of the way in and had to put it down for a while. Then I would read sections of it in between other books I was reading.

The book was sold to me as "Canterbury Tales in Space," literally. It was a mystery book, wrapped in paper at a bookstore, and that phrase was written on the outside. Sci-fi isn't my usual genre, but I took a chance, thinking, "I like Canterbury Tales, and maybe this is a discounted price because the title is a secret." Spoiler alert: it was not a discounted price.

Yes, this is a book about a group of travelers, each telling their tale while on the pilgrimage. But that's where the comparison ends. The Canterbury Tales …

reviewed Hyperion by Dan Simmons (Hyperion Cantos, #1)

An uneven mishmash

3 stars

Content warning Includes spoilers

reviewed Hyperion by Dan Simmons (Hyperion Cantos, #1)

Review of 'Hyperion' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I really enjoyed the structure of this book. 7 travelers on a package, ditched together by circumstance. Each tells their tale a la The Canterbury Tales. Each story is told differently and really well crafted. On to of yours, the world building is intriguing.

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