Published May 20, 1978 by Not sure.
Hope in Time of Abandonment
The writings of Jacques Ellul have brought him into the first rank as theologian and social critic. Martin Marty commented that if he had to introduce one man from the Protestant world to tell the church what its agenda should be, that man would be Ellul. The eminent Frenchman now brings us his most profound, most moving theological statement. For years, Jacques Ellul tells us in his preface, he had wanted to write a book on "The Age of Abandonment," for it seemed to him that both society and the church had reached that point described in Scripture when God turns his back and is silent. But when he came to elaborate this theme, Ellul found himself inexplicably writing on the theme of hope, despite the fact that his analysis of society remained unchanged. Hope was now no longer a matter of intellect, but a word asked by God of …
The writings of Jacques Ellul have brought him into the first rank as theologian and social critic. Martin Marty commented that if he had to introduce one man from the Protestant world to tell the church what its agenda should be, that man would be Ellul. The eminent Frenchman now brings us his most profound, most moving theological statement. For years, Jacques Ellul tells us in his preface, he had wanted to write a book on "The Age of Abandonment," for it seemed to him that both society and the church had reached that point described in Scripture when God turns his back and is silent. But when he came to elaborate this theme, Ellul found himself inexplicably writing on the theme of hope, despite the fact that his analysis of society remained unchanged. Hope was now no longer a matter of intellect, but a word asked by God of the heart for its salvation. More than ever before, in this book Jacques Ellul shares with readers not only the darkest forebodings of contemporary man's soul, but also his own struggle to emerge from despair to a stronger level of Christian faith--and hope. He writes of hope, not in the vein of Moltmann and Metz, but in a highly original and penetrating manner.