Il nome della rosa

Paperback, 533 pages

Italian language

Published July 10, 2001 by Rl Libri.

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4 stars (40 reviews)

La vicenda si svolge nel medioevo, nell’arco di sette giorni, in un monastero benedettino in una località imprecisata del nord Italia.

Guglielmo da Baskerville, monaco francescano, ex-inquisitore e consigliere dell’Imperatore, si reca insieme al giovane benedettino nonché voce narrante Adso da Melk, in un’abbazia allo scopo di partecipare ad un’importante riunione che vede contrapposti i francescani, fautori della povertà del Cristo, e la delegazione papale. Questo incontro era stato organizzato allo scopo di permettere alle due parti di trovare un accordo. L’abbazia vive ore tormentate. Subito dopo il loro arrivo, l’Abate chiede a Guglielmo di indagare sulle cause della morte violenta di uno dei suoi conventuali. In effetti durante la notte, Adelmo da Otranto, un giovane monaco, è caduto dall’edificio, un’imponente costruzione nella quale si trovano sia il refettorio che l’immensa biblioteca dell’abbazia. Nonostante la libertà di movimento concessa all’ex inquisitore, si susseguono altre morti e tutte sembrano ruotare intorno …

55 editions

Review of 'El nombre de la rosa' on Goodreads

4 stars

A monk is asked to solve a series of murders in a remote 14th-century abbey amid a backdrop of high-level meetings between two opposing factions within the Catholic church.

This is my second time reading this novel. My first reading was well over 10 years ago, but that was before I discovered my recent interest in the Middle Ages. In addition to that, I also read a book earlier this summer specifically about monasteries and monastic living. With all of that under my belt, I decided to reread this book to see if I would still be impressed with it.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the mystery of the murders and of the library were much less intriguing the second time round. I think that's because there is little else to the novel other than that and the debates between the two opposing factions. A great novel, at its heart, still needs …

Review of 'El nombre de la rosa' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Reseña completa: ">">

Esta novela es una delicia en sí misma, vamos no tengo palabras.

A través de los ojos de Adso iremos viendo la forma en que Guillermo le instruye acerca de las cuestiones divinas y terrenales y cómo utiliza la lógica para intentar desentrañar el misterio de la muerte de un joven monje.

Como digo he quedado más que encantada con esta novela, y sinceramente os la recomiendo muy mucho. Y si por lo que sea no podéis u os atrevéis con ella por lo menos ved la película que también lo merece.

Review of 'Der Name der Rose' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A Franciscan friar and a Benedictine novice travel to a Benedictine monastery in Italy to attend a theological disputation. Not it’s not a joke… its murder. The Name of the Rose is set in 1327 and follows the story of William of Baskerville and his companion and narrator Adso as they try to uncover who is behind all the mysterious deaths.

Baskerville is an intellectual and almost Sherlock in the way he analyses and comes to his conclusions; with his trusty sidekick, Watson… I mean Adso who is narrating this book many years later as a memoir, giving Umberto Eco the perfect chance to flood the novel with all his knowledge of Medieval Catholicism.

This book is heavy in explaining the medieval times and the fights between the different Catholic factions, as well as the sheer ease of convicting someone as a heretic. I loved Eco’s other novel Foucault's Pendulum …

Review of 'El nombre de la rosa' on Goodreads

4 stars

A fascinating read. Medieval philosophy made, dare I say it, sexy. Esoteric ideas made concrete through character's actions, philosophic and religious history put into the context of the power struggles that shaped which ideas survived and which were burned at the stake, and a pretty decent mystery to boot.

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