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Nick Abadzis, Dave Taylor, Simon Fraser, Rob Williams, Arianna Florean, Gary Caldwell, Robbie Morrison, Elena Casagrande, Luis Guerrero, Al Ewing: Doctor Who: Free Comic Book Day (EBook, Titan)

Kindle / Comixology, 24 pages

English language

Published by Titan.

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Take a blistering trip through time and space with three stunning ALL-NEW short stories featuring Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor and the brand-new Twelfth Doctor by the ongoing DOCTOR WHO creative teams – PLUS a sneak peek of the TOP SECRET Summer 2015 event! Be the first to get a hint of the epic that will shake the Doctor to his core! It's an unmissable read for fans, and the perfect primer for anyone looking to jump on board the TARDIS!

1 edition


  • Doctor Who
  • Science fiction