Just Like Home

A Must-Read, Dark Thriller Full of Unpredictable Secrets

English language

Published Nov. 5, 2023 by Hodder & Stoughton.

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4 stars (14 reviews)

6 editions

Review of 'Just Like Home' on 'Storygraph'

2 stars

I don't even know where to start with this book. I loved [b:The Echo Wife|52379735|The Echo Wife|Sarah Gailey|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1588791809l/52379735.SY75.jpg|73056559] and had such high hopes for Just Like Home. I wrangled my Cocktail Hour co-hosts into reading it and, while I'm sure our discussion on 4/1/23 will be lively, I wish I hadn't.

While the Cocktail Hour will be FILLED with spoilers, this review won't be. So let me try to sort of some of the good, the bad, and the downright ugly in a vague way that won't give anything away.

The Good
For the most part, the language and writing voice was enjoyable. There was a visceral feel to much of the descriptions that placed me right there and I appreciated that a lot.

Vera's childhood parts were the best bits of the book. Her love for her father, their interactions, her discovering things about herself, all great. …

Review of 'Just Like Home' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Wow this one is hard. Prob a 4.5 rounded up to 5 stars. I reeeeaaaaaallllly struggled with the first maybe 3/4 of this. I say I like haunted house stories but maybe I don’t. Haha. At least not the thematic purposes of them. It is usually dealing with some sort of family dysfunction and that always bums me out too much for me to appreciate its value. It does have value. I just don’t want to go there. And this book was HEAVY on the dysfunction with just little sprinkles of possible supernatural forces. In the end, that’s what makes this book Good with a capital G - it has real substance to it, something more than entertainment value alone. I wouldn’t say there are any real twists but there’s certainly a lot of options for what is really happening (or did happen) throughout, making it almost a thriller at …

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