The greatest monster of all, the storm giant Typhon, is on the loose, wreaking havoc and destruction across the U.S. - while Kronos's army lays siege to Manhattan. Soon Percy Jackson must make the hardest choice of his life - a choice that will save or destroy the world.
Again, Riordan improved on his previous novel. This book is the best in the series, and they were all good.
Like the previous one, this one moves at a blinding pace. It’s one battle after another with short bits of character development in between. I was surprised at the length of the falling action. The book didn’t end with the abrupt post-battle, “Go celebrate! That’s all folks” short chapter. The book actually has three chapters after the battle, and Riordan does a nice job of tying up the various dangling threads.
The love triangle is finally resolved; although, it seemed pretty obvious where that was going early in the novel. Nonetheless, the tension was fun. I can’t really discuss what I liked about the ending without significant spoilers, so I will have to be satisfied by saying I really liked that everyone had a place in the final battle and …
Again, Riordan improved on his previous novel. This book is the best in the series, and they were all good.
Like the previous one, this one moves at a blinding pace. It’s one battle after another with short bits of character development in between. I was surprised at the length of the falling action. The book didn’t end with the abrupt post-battle, “Go celebrate! That’s all folks” short chapter. The book actually has three chapters after the battle, and Riordan does a nice job of tying up the various dangling threads.
The love triangle is finally resolved; although, it seemed pretty obvious where that was going early in the novel. Nonetheless, the tension was fun. I can’t really discuss what I liked about the ending without significant spoilers, so I will have to be satisfied by saying I really liked that everyone had a place in the final battle and after.
Also, as with The Halfblood Prince, I think this is my favorite of the series because it gives us a large dose of bad-guy backstory. I’ve heard the next series, The Heroes of Olympus, is actually better than this one, so I’m looking forward to starting it soon. I also can’t wait for the new Disney+ series. I hope they do it well.
Review of 'Percy Jackson and the last olympian' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Like others have said, this final book doesn't bring anything new but it is a wrapping up of bits from the first 4 books. So often series leave things hanging or unexplained so I think it's a satisfying enough end. I'm glad there will be other books in the same world.