English language
Published 2008 by Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John.
The National Semiconductor Story of Transformation Management
English language
Published 2008 by Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John.
This is the story of the transformation of National Semiconductor as told by the man who led it, CEO Gil Amelio. You'll learn how in just three short years, Amelio and his management team took National from its worst loss in 30 years to the highest earnings in its history.
Presented in the book are specific, down-to-earth approaches that any chief executive can apply on a company-wide level, and that managers and supervisors can apply to revitalize their own organizations and improve their management style. The same principles and processes that worked at National can transform a failing organization or bring renewed strength to a healthy one. Amelio's management success at National is based on straight-forward tools and principles, not theories.