Alan Turing

the enigma

587 pages

English language

Published Aug. 8, 1983 by Simon and Schuster.

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4 stars (22 reviews)

Alan Turing: The Enigma (1983) is a biography of the British mathematician, codebreaker, and early computer scientist, Alan Turing (1912–1954) by Andrew Hodges. The book covers Alan Turing's life and work. The American 2014 film The Imitation Game is loosely based on the book, with dramatization.

17 editions

Review of 'Alan Turing' on 'Storygraph'

2 stars

Alan Turing was a remarkable and accomplished man who was cruelly used by society, and I appreciated learning more details about his life. That said, for my tastes this biogrophy is a little over-long and dry. When it finally did open up in the last chapter and began to have an opinion, I found it unconvincing.

Review of 'Alan Turing' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

• Overall the book served its purpose, at least for me: I learned a lot about Alan Turing and definitely gained new perspective on him as a person
• I am a computer science major and I had a great interest in the nitty-gritty technological aspect of this book, but even for me it was too much at times. Lengthy, detail-heavy descriptions get boring
• Given the length of this book I expected to get a detailed understanding of Turing's life and work, this book only kind of delivered that. There were moments when it was truly fascinating but then it was right back to the boring technological descriptions.

Review of 'Alan Turing' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Mam z tą książką spory dylemat.
Jest niewątpliwie książką bardzo dobrą - sporo źródeł, informacji, oprócz postaci Turinga poznajemy także otaczający go świat, książka jest dogłębna (naprawdę, skąd autor miał te wszystkie szczegółowe co do dnia informacje, podczas gdy np. u współczesnego nam Steva Jobsa tych informacji jakby sporo mniej!).
Plus za zdjęcia.
Jednak książka jest trudna w odbiorze dla przeciętnego laika - z powodu matematyki. Szczęśliwie z matematyką (tą pop-naukową) miałem coś wspólnego, więc COŚ kojarzyłem, ale i tak opisy wykraczały poza moje poznanie. A co dopiero ci, którzy z matematyką skończyli w liceum?!
Mimo wszystko ograniczenia wiedzowe nie powinny tu obniżać oceny - to wszak powinna być zaleta, nie wada.
Autor ma łatwość w przekazywaniu myśli, pozwala sobie na metafory (porównywanie sytuacji do Krainy Oz lub Alicji w Krainie Czarów), co nie wydaje się infantylne, a wręcz trafne. Plus wiersze Whitmana, grafiki, nawet kopia notatek Turinga.
Świetna księga …

Review of 'Alan Turing' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The 2012 Centenary edition has a nice preface by Hodges. It is an extraordinary biography that does justice the the quiet complexity of one of the great minds of the 20th century. One thing that struck me in particular, thinking about Hodges' accounts of, first Turing's time with Church at Princeton, and then later in Manchester working on what today we might call computational life sciences: there was a deep intellectual modesty to the man who, for better and worse, gave us the conceptual (and some of the practical) foundations of the information age.

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  • Turing, Alan Mathison, 1912-1954
  • Mathematicians -- Great Britain -- Biography
