Zeit des Zorns

, #2

Paperback, 338 pages

german language

Published Nov. 1, 2011 by Suhrkamp.

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4 stars (17 reviews)

Wenn dein Feind dich in die Enge treibt. Dir den Boden unter den Füßen wegzieht. Wenn er dir nimmt, was du liebst. Dann bleibt kein Spielraum für Verhandlungen. Dann kommt die Zeit des Zorns.

Ben und Chon betreiben ein exklusives Millionengeschäft mit erstklassigem Dope für erstklassige Kundschaft. Sie sind Yin und Yang, Gegensätze, die sich ergänzen. Sie lieben, was sie tun, und sie lieben Ophelia. Die drei sind ein unschlagbares Team: Ben investiert in Hilfsorganisationen, Ophelia bringt den Kreislauf des Geldes in Schwung, und Chon hält ihnen allen Ärger vom Hals. Doch nun macht das mexikanische Baja-Kartell ihnen ein Angebot, zu dem sie besser nicht nein sagen sollten. Aber Ben und Chon sagen nein. Und sie schlagen sich gut. Bis das Kartell Ophelia entführt. Um sie zu retten, sind Ben und Chon bereit, bis zum Äußersten zu gehen – gegen einen Feind, der keine Gnade kennt.

7 editions

Review of 'Savages' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Don Winslow’s Savages starts off with one of the most memorable opening chapters I’ve read; which simply said “F**k you”. These two words set up the feel of this novel really well. Chon and Ben are weed growers in Laguna Beach, California; their product is top of the range. Ben is the botanist that looks after their marijuana and business; Chon looks after the problems. Then there is O; their girlfriend. When the Baja Cartel takes interest in their product, things are bound to get Savage.

I’ve had this book on my radar for a while but since the Oliver Stone adaptation has been released I made sure I read the book before seeing the movie. This is savage noir, full of quick chapters and in the words of Don Winslow; baditude. Snappy dialogue, noirish themes and the dark gritty plot is what makes this novel such a thrill to …

Review of 'Savages' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

It was a fun style, not like anything I would normally read. It was an education, of sorts, though I'm a bit too square to know if the drug use, trade, violence was anything like real.

All of that would have been fine, a really good novel, actually, if I had been made to care for these three characters at all.

Two stars for fast pace and general departure from my everyday existence.

Review of 'Savages' on 'Storygraph'

1 star

A novel with a brilliantly pithy first chapter ("Fuck you.") that quickly goes downhill. The plot, an ex-mercenary pot dealer must deal with the kidnapping of his friend by a Mexican drug cartel, is timely and intriguing, but the author's prose is ridiculously awful. It's the writing of a unhip man trying desperately to sound hip. A person isn't missing, he's 404. A guy doesn't have a bad attitude, he has a 'baditude.' Unfortunately, the entire novel is written in this kind of pseduo-slang tripe.

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  • Drug dealers
  • Marijuana industry
  • Fiction