Ο καπιταλισμός της πλατφόρμας

Paperback, 184 pages

Greek language

Published by Εκδόσεις Τόπος.

Copied ISBN!
4 stars (10 reviews)

Η ώρα έχει πάει 17:00. Αποσυνδέεστε από την πλατφόρµα της δουλειάς, χαιρετώντας τους συναδέλφους, ελπίζοντας να µη σας θυµηθεί ο προϊστάµενος αργότερα και ζητάει να συνδεθείτε ξανά. Βάζετε να δείτε λίγο Netflix, ενώ σκέφτεστε πόσο κουρασµένοι είστε και πόσο βαριέστε να µαγειρέψετε. Παραγγέλνετε κάτι από µία εφαρµογή στο κινητό ενώ σκέφτεστε ποια λίστα να βάλετε να παίζει στο Spotify. Οι πλατφόρµες είναι εδώ, στη δουλειά µας, στις ώρες ξεκούρασης, µας «βοηθάνε» να φάµε, να δούµε σειρές και να βρούµε ταξί αργά το βράδυ. Τι είναι όµως οι πλατφόρµες; Πώς λειτουργούν; Σε τι στοχεύουν;

Ο Nick Srnicek, σε ένα βιβλίο που θεωρείται ήδη κλασικό, µας εισάγει στον καπιταλισµό της πλατφόρµας. Ανιχνεύει τις ρίζες του στην κρίση της δεκαετίας του ’70 αλλά και στις αρχές της νέας χιλιετίας. Παρουσιάζει τα διαφορετικά είδη πλατφορµών, την ακόρεστη δίψα τους για δεδοµένα αλλά και τις επιδράσεις τους σε όλες τις σφαίρες της κοινωνίας. Πάνω από …

4 editions

Review of 'Platform Capitalism' on 'LibraryThing'

4 stars

"The argument of this book is that, with a long decline in manufacturing profitability, capitalism has turned to data as one way to maintain economic growth and vitality in the face of a sluggish production sector."

The above quote from the book is true, in a roundabout way. I'm quite certain - without verifying it - that Nick Srnicek does not really like capitalism; I'm completely with him, if that is the case. You've already guessed my stance on the matter, that it's likable to me much as somebody feeling you up without getting an OK, albeit while nabbing my pension and making damn sure my potential offspring won't survive me because of the climate kills on the planet (courtesy of capitalists).

The book concentrates on how "low-level jobs"(N.B. not the author's words, but those of Alan Greenspan), or really, any jobs that won't hurt your mates in high-level management: …

Review of 'Platform Capitalism' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

"The argument of this book is that, with a long decline in manufacturing profitability, capitalism has turned to data as one way to maintain economic growth and vitality in the face of a sluggish production sector."

The above quote from the book is true, in a roundabout way. I'm quite certain - without verifying it - that Nick Srnicek does not really like capitalism; I'm completely with him, if that is the case. You've already guessed my stance on the matter, that it's likable to me much as somebody feeling you up without getting an OK, albeit while nabbing my pension and making damn sure my potential offspring won't survive me because of the climate kills on the planet (courtesy of capitalists).

The book concentrates on how "low-level jobs"(N.B. not the author's words, but those of Alan Greenspan), or really, any jobs that won't hurt your mates in high-level management: …

Review of 'Platform Capitalism' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

"The argument of this book is that, with a long decline in manufacturing profitability, capitalism has turned to data as one way to maintain economic growth and vitality in the face of a sluggish production sector."

The above quote from the book is true, in a roundabout way. I'm quite certain - without verifying it - that Nick Srnicek does not really like capitalism; I'm completely with him, if that is the case. You've already guessed my stance on the matter, that it's likable to me much as somebody feeling you up without getting an OK, albeit while nabbing my pension and making damn sure my potential offspring won't survive me because of the climate kills on the planet (courtesy of capitalists).

The book concentrates on how "low-level jobs"(N.B. not the author's words, but those of Alan Greenspan), or really, any jobs that won't hurt your mates in high-level management: …


  • Big Data
  • Accelerationism
  • Politics
  • Internet
  • Data
  • Economics
  • History
  • Leftism
  • Marxism
  • Post-Capitalism
  • Business enterprises
  • Capitalism
  • Information technology
