technicat reviewed Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance
didn't age well, and it's not that old
3 stars
I read this several years ago so my memory is a bit hazy but I recall thinking it was generally worshipful and a bit of a hagiography (it predates the first Trump presidency but in recent interviews the author, who has a fascination with space moguls, still talks about Musk like he's Steve Jobs). Nevertheless, it's a comprehensive bio up to that point so now when I hear a reference to an ex-wife, for example, or disputes about who actually founded Tesla, I already know the deal. So it's worth reading for background, but I am perhaps unreasonably going to hold it against the author for not warning us we have a billionaire white nationalist on our hands (an issue the author has avoided touching on in all his nterviews about Musk that I've seen, so maybe not that unreasonable).