We Broke the Moon

eBook, 434 pages

English language

Published Jan. 18, 2021

5 stars (1 review)

“We Broke the Moon” is Hope Punk Science Fiction, a genre that focuses on friendship, love, and a hopeful, can-do approach to the challenges the characters face. It features a virtual reality game on a spaceship in deep space, teenage hackers, talking cats, and a rogue artificial intelligence.

1 edition

Review of 'We Broke the Moon' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I'm always a fan of Masha du Toit's flavor of future worlds. The not-so-hard science is just believable enough and there's an assortment of inclusive characters who you inevitably grow to love. This one is no exception.

I had some assumptions about the major elements of the ending, and I was right, but the read up until that confirmation (and after) was still enjoyable. I may have stayed up a little too late last night to finish it and needed a nap this morning...

It's a shame it's a standalone. I'd love to see what the next generation of Tohorans do, how they approach their lives, and what comes of the world beyond the Narthex.

And that's not to say loose ends aren't tied up. They are—and satisfyingly so. I'm just greedy and never want to leave these worlds behind...