Accidental Empires

384 pages

English language

Published Sept. 13, 1996

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3 stars (5 reviews)

Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition, and Still Can't Get a Date (1992, 1996), is a book written by Mark Stephens under the pen name Robert X. Cringely about the founding of the personal computer industry and the history of Silicon Valley. The style of the book is informal, and in the first chapter Cringley claims that he is not a historian but an explainer, and that "historians have a harder job because they can be faulted for what is left out; explainers like me can get away with printing only the juicy parts." Notably, the book was critical of Steve Jobs and Apple, as well as Bill Gates and Microsoft.The book was revised and republished in 1996, with new material added. A documentary based on the book, called Triumph of the Nerds: The Rise of Accidental Empires was aired on PBS …

12 editions

History Lesson

4 stars

I nearly stopped reading after the first chapter because I feared that I would waste my time with 30-year-old gossip, luckily I kept reading and was rewarded with a wonderful history lesson. The book stops at a point where the future of Apple is unclear. Not all of the author's predictions have become reality, but the book does a great job of telling the story of the rise and the fall of several companies which shaped the world of computing in which we live today.

One of the most fabulous books on the modern history of computers

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The last 30-40 years have been amazing. 30-year-olds have created empires that run the world today. These include Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Bob Noyce and many others who have got lost somewhere. This is a book about how the companies like Lotus, VisiCorp and others ruled the world once upon a time, and then died suddenly. It is a fabulous work and very well narrated with LOTS of lessons.

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