Socialism ... Seriously

A Brief Guide to Human Liberation

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Danny Katch: Socialism ... Seriously (2015, Haymarket Books)

English language

Published April 19, 2015 by Haymarket Books.

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4 stars (8 reviews)

3 editions

Review of 'Socialism...seriously' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This is an effective (as in concise and easy to understand) surface-level guide to socialism, that reads maybe a bit too much like a long Twitter thread, full of humor and snark that at times works and at times falls flat for me. Regardless, it does a decent enough job of explaining core ideas and untangling concepts and myths from the reality of socialism without requiring hours upon hours of reading, which makes it a nice springboard from which to jump onto less surface-level material. I also thought the quotes the author chose to support their points were appropriate and quite good.

Review of 'Socialism...seriously' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

It's a very fun, humorous and light-hearted introduction to Marxism and what it really means in today's world.
I must say it is one of those books that ends faster then you expect it too and it also gives you a lot of pointers to other books, movies and cultural references, should you wish to go further.
So, if like me, you didn't really understand much about socialism, communism, Marxism and all the different flavours of left-wing ideas, it is a great book to start and also have a laugh while you are at it.
It is a bit America-centered, but that is what you get with American authors. It's not bad though, he is pretty self aware and doesn't ride a high horse.


  • Socialism