303 pages
Italian language
Published May 7, 1990 by Fanucci Editore.
Stephen King: Orrore a Crouch End (Italian language, 1990, Fanucci Editore)
303 pages
Italian language
Published May 7, 1990 by Fanucci Editore.
An anthology of short fiction expanding and elaborating on H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, edited by Ramsey Campbell. New Tales collects the following stories:
"Crouch End" by Stephen King "The Star Pools" by A. A. Attanasio "The Second Wish" by Brian Lumley "Dark Awakening" by Frank Belknap Long "Shaft Number 247" by Basil Copper "Black Man with a Horn" by T. E. D. Klein "The Black Tome of Alsophocus" by H. P. Lovecraft & Martin S. Warnes "Than Curse the Darkness" by David Drake "The Faces at Pine Dunes" by Ramsey Campbell