The Tyranny of Merit

Can We Find the Common Good?

paperback, 288 pages

Published Sept. 14, 2021 by Picador.

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4 stars (1 review)

These are dangerous times for democracy. We live in an age of winners and losers, where the odds are stacked in favour of the already fortunate. Stalled social mobility and entrenched inequality give the lie to the promise that "you can make it if you try". And the consequence is a brew of anger and frustration that has fuelled populist protest, with the triumph of Brexit and election of Donald Trump.

Michael J. Sandel argues that to overcome the polarized politics of our time, we must rethink the attitudes toward success and failure that have accompanied globalisation and rising inequality. Sandel highlights the hubris a meritocracy generates among the winners and the harsh judgement it imposes on those left behind. He offers an alternative way of thinking about success - more attentive to the role of luck in human affairs, more conducive to an ethic of humility, and more hospitable …

3 editions

Review of 'Tyranny of Merit' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This book really hit the sweet spot for me when it comes to accessibility of the language and the concepts. It also avoids self-insertion, which I appreciate. Those two things alone really boosted the rating.

The main reason I'm docking a star here is because I felt that he did a poor job of highlighting the problems with meritocracy for BIPOC, women, and gender nonconforming folks. I get that he wanted to address the appeal of Trump and populism to poor white men, and he wanted to tie the flaws of meritocracy to that - but the flaws of meritocracy don't only impact white men. I kept waiting for him to explore his points as they relate to the experiences of people other than white men. An easy fix could have been to acknowledge and explain his focus on poor white men, but as it is it feels like he's …