Singled out

how two million British women survived without men after the First World War

English language

Published Aug. 16, 2008 by Oxford University Press.

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In 1919 a generation of young women discovered that there were, quite simply, not enough men to go round, and the statistics confirmed it. After the 1921 Census, the press ran alarming stories of the 'Problem of the Surplus Women - Two Million who can never become Wives...'. This book is about those women, and about how they were forced, by a tragedy of historic proportions, to stop depending on men for their income, their identity and their future happiness.

4 editions


  • World War, 1914-1918 -- Women -- Great Britain
  • War widows -- Great Britain -- Social conditions -- 20th century
  • Single women -- Great Britain -- Social conditions -- 20th century
  • World War, 1914-1918 -- Social aspects -- Great Britain