Stephanie Jane reviewed Water Witchcraft by Annwyn Avalon
A comprehensive guide
5 stars
I chose Water Witchcraft because its subtitle - Magic And Lore From The Celtic Tradition - interested me. I hoped to discover Celtic tales and there are plenty of stories here. I enjoyed listening to this book. It is not very long but there is a lot of information. Annwyn Avalon wrote in a chatty style and I liked Wendy Tremont King's narration a lot. I could often hear when a smile came to her face.
I like how each chapter focused on different types of water. I learned about the sea, lakes, rivers and marshes from a magical perspective. Annwyn talked about ritual baths too! There was plenty of advice about safety near water and about not drinking water when there were certain stones in it. I didn't know that. But the mythology and folklore were my favourite parts.
Although Annwyn recommends lots of good ideas for rituals, some …
I chose Water Witchcraft because its subtitle - Magic And Lore From The Celtic Tradition - interested me. I hoped to discover Celtic tales and there are plenty of stories here. I enjoyed listening to this book. It is not very long but there is a lot of information. Annwyn Avalon wrote in a chatty style and I liked Wendy Tremont King's narration a lot. I could often hear when a smile came to her face.
I like how each chapter focused on different types of water. I learned about the sea, lakes, rivers and marshes from a magical perspective. Annwyn talked about ritual baths too! There was plenty of advice about safety near water and about not drinking water when there were certain stones in it. I didn't know that. But the mythology and folklore were my favourite parts.
Although Annwyn recommends lots of good ideas for rituals, some old and some newer, she also recommends flexibility too. She says that intuition and personal practice are better than memorising many lists of other witches' work. That said, there are plenty of lists in this book! Overall, I think this is an interesting book for a beginner or a curious layperson.
I originally wrote this review in Gàidhlig because I am learning the language: Thagh mi Water Witchcraft oir an fho-thiotal aige - Draoidheachd Agus Beul-aithris O'n Traidisean Ceilteach - a' toirt ùidh dhomh. Bha an dòchas agam air seanchasan Ceilteach a lorg agus tha sgeultachan gu leòr an seo. Chòrd e rium a bhith ag èisteachd ris an leabhar seo. Chan eil e glè fhada ach tha tòrr fiosrachaidh ann. Sgrìobh Annwyn Avalon ann an stoidhle cabadaich agus chòrd an aithris aig Wendy Tremont King rium gu mòr. B' urrainn dhomh tric a' cluinntinn nuair thàinig fiamh-gàire air a h-aodann.
Is toil leam mar a bha gach caibideil a' cuimseachadh air diofar sheòrsa uisge. Dh’ionnsaich mi mun mhuir, lochan, aibhnichean agus boglaichean bho shealladh draoidheil. Bhruidhinn Annwyn mu dheidhinn amaran deas-ghnàthach cuideachd! Bha comhairle gu leòr ann mu shàbhailteachd faisg air uisge agus gun a bhith ag òl uisge nuair a bha clachan sònraichte ann. Cha robh fios agam air sin. Ach b’ e miotas-eòlas agus beul-aithris na pàirtean a b’ fheàrr leam.
Ged a tha Annwyn a’ moladh tòrr deagh bheachdan airson deas-ghnàthan, cuid sean is cuid nas ùire, tha i a’ moladh sùbailteachd cuideachd. Tha i ag ràdh gu bheil imfhios agus cleachdadh pearsanta nas fheàrr na bhith a 'cuimhneachadh mòran liostaichean de dh' obair bana-bhuidsich eile. Thuirt sin, tha liostaichean gu leòr anns an leabhar seo! Gu h-iomlan tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gur e leabhar inntinneach a tha seo airson neach-tòiseachaidh no neo-chlèireach fiosrach.