
Verfall einer Familie : Roman

758 pages

German language

Published Jan. 7, 1989 by Fischer Taschenbuch.

OCLC Number:

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4 stars (22 reviews)

This epic, sub-titled ‘The Decline of a Family’, was Mann’s first novel, published in 1901. It traces the gradual downfall of a wealthy family over four generations in the city of Lubeck. The novel is widely regarded as a classic portrait of bourgeois society and family life in 19th century Germany.

57 editions

reviewed Buddenbrooks by Thomas Mann (Everyman's library ;)

A german classic worthwhile enduring

5 stars

Thomas Mann is not without reason one of the great storytellers and seen as a monolith in German-language literature. With his debut novel "Buddenbrooks" he wrote a long read that provides a literary insight into the life of the Hanseatic upper middle class of the 19th century. If Buddenbrooks is read with the courage to skip boring passages at times, the classic becomes an entertaining read. Each member of the Buddenbrook family has a distinct personality, and with seamless time skips, Mann explores how it comes to pass that the Family's wealth, status and grain wholesale company slowly deteriorates. Thus, the characters grow on you and the almost pulpy blows of fate hit you hard, even though you have nothing in common with these fictional characters from another century. Of course, "Buddenbrooks" is showing its age and the length may be off-putting, but all in all, the novel is still …

Review of 'Buddenbrooks' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This extraordinary novel is the story of the decline of a middle-class 19th-century German family that was apparently modeled on Mann's own family. Its strengths for me were the meticulously observed details of 19th-century life and the brilliant, often satirical, characterization that is sometimes reminiscent of Dickens. There are constituent themes e.g., the conflict between the lives of businessmen and artists, and extensive supporting imagery e.g., dental decay paralleling the financial and moral decay of the family.

Mann was born in 1875 and this novel's storyline ends in 1877, but the novel's Wikipedia article says that he did careful research with family members to capture the details of earlier 19th-century Lübeck - the author's hometown. When the novel first appeared there was apparently considerable criticism of it as a roman à clef about the people of Lübeck (see www.luebeck-kunterbunt.de/TOP100/Buddenbrooks-Klarnamenverzeichnis.htm). Mann responded:

I forgive [small-town (more or less, I think-MLM)] …

Review of 'Los Buddenbrook' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Casi 900 páginas, ¡y me habría encantado encontrarme con 900 páginas más!
Tres generaciones de una familia de comerciantes, probos burgueses de una ciudad hanseática, y sus triunfos y miserias, sobre todo sus miserias: una galería inolvidable de personajes: el patriarca, la matriarca, el digno sucesor, el hijo calavera, la hija malcasada, el sensible y desdichado Hanno... además de la colección de secundarios.
Todo contado por un narrador lleno de humor y de retranca, porque los asuntos humanos siempre pueden ser vistos como una comedia, si se observan desde lo bastante lejos.
Magníficamente traducida.

Review of "Les Buddenbrook : Le déclin d'une famille" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Les Buddenbrook est un classique de la littérature allemande signé de la main de Thomas Mann, à qui l’on doit également La Mort à Venise ou La montagne magique. Cela fait un moment que je voulais lire ce roman, dont le résumé proposé par l’éditeur français m’avait très vite attiré :

Les Buddenbrook, premier roman de Thomas Mann, devenu l’un des classiques de la littérature allemande, retrace l’effondrement progressif d’une grande famille de la Hanse au XIXe siècle, de Johann, le solide fondateur de la dynastie, à Hanno, le frêle musicien qui s’éteint, quarante ans plus tard, dans un pavillon de la banlieue de Lübeck.

Le style, tout en nuances, où l’émotion se teinte de connivence et d’ironie, d’affinités et de détachement, traduit parfaitement la relation que l’auteur entretient avec la réalité et accentue subtilement la transcription du lent processus de décadence.

L’ambition de Thomas Mann est considérable : narrer …

Review of 'Buddenbrooks: The Decline of a Family' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

Great Expectations would be my title for this review. At the outset it looks like one of those long drawn out family sagas with stodgy upperclass mores and lots of characters, but this novel is better than anything Dickens or Austen or their kind wrote and you should read it even if you don't like those types of books.

Although the rich detail the author uses paints scenes where you can smell the coffee, sea air, or taste the dessert,it is better than that because there is not a simple morality at play that attributes success or failure. Why does this family decline? It's not simply greed or sloth or profligacy or turning away from God or family. No the childlike morality of some the characters is contrasted with the author's skepticism and philosophical bent. There is a randomness to the fail, it is not like Gibbons decline and fall …

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  • Fiction -- German
  • German language books