224 pages
English language
Published Dec. 21, 2018 by Black Mask Studios.
Matt Pizzolo, Amancay Nahuelpan: Young Terrorists (2018, Black Mask Studios)
224 pages
English language
Published Dec. 21, 2018 by Black Mask Studios.
What if "The Smoking Man" from X-Files was a real person, and his daughter found out what he did for a living? The daughter of an assassinated globalist kingpin breaks out of an internment camp and leads her fellow escaped prisoners in a battle against an elitist conspiracy of shadow governments, megabanks, and military juntas in this edgy and subversive thriller that channels Fight Club by way of Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. A graphic novel that fearlessly assaults politics-as-usual, Young Terrorists continues the legacy of DMZ and The Invisibles as it manically rips the scab off life under the new world order and revels in the pus underneath.--amazon.com.