Trenza del mar Esmeralda

, #1

Hardcover, 560 pages

Español language

Published Jan. 18, 2023 by Nova, Penguin Random House.

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4 stars (29 reviews)

En su isla natal sobre un océano verde esmeralda, la única vida que Trenza conoce es sencilla, marcada por el placer de coleccionar las tazas que traen los marineros de tierras lejanas y escuchar las historias que le cuenta su amigo Charlie.

Pero cuando el padre de Charlie se lo lleva en barco para buscarle esposa y sucede una catástrofe, Trenza deberá colarse como polizona en un barco y partir en busca de la hechicera que habita en el mortífero mar de Medianoche.

Sobre unos océanos de esporas repletos de piratas, ¿podrá Trenza abandonar su tranquila vida y crearse un lugar en un océano donde una sola gota puede significar la muerte instantánea?

8 editions

A Weird, Enjoyable Book

5 stars

I picked this up because it was described as something akin to The Princess Bride. I don't agree, and the only similarity is the narration feels similar-ish to how the movie was presented. And even then, it's a stretch. However, that's not a mark against the book, and more against the marketing.

The book, honestly, felt like a Pratchett book. I wouldn't call the writing as good as Pratchett (that's a high bar), but the feel of the book was right. It definitely kept me reading. The world is complete, thoughtful, and consistent. The narrator has a kind of colorful commentary that I enjoyed. And, most importantly, it took a lot of ideas on how things should be and sort of made poked fun at how that's not how things work. I really like Tress, and how she interacted with the world. She was a take charge kind of person …

Review of 'Tress of the Emerald Sea' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Halfway through I was ready to chuck it in, the world building was great - and for Cosmere nerds there's the "I get that reference" game - but the style was odd. I'm not quite sure who this style is for. It's hard to describe, but it's like it's written so adults can feel like they're reading a childrens book. It's not for kids but it reads like it is. Which isn't necessarily bad, but the balance isn't quite right. I can see how it was trying to be The Princess Bride, and it gets close, but tonally doesn't quite hit the mark. To be fair, it's really hard to nail that style of tongue in cheek, ironic yet warm humour.

Having said that, he knows how to keep up the pace in his books, so it's easy to push through and get to the part where Sanderson shines; well …

Review of 'Tress of the Emerald Sea' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

"You see, I've discovered that it's all right to need help. So long as you've lived your life as the kind of person who deserves to be rescued."

I'll be honest and say I didn't know what to make of this when I first started it. Aside from being aware that it was a Cosmere book, I went in basically blind, ready for a twisty whirlwind epic fantasy adventure. Instead, I got something a bit more thoughtful, a lot more tongue-in-cheek, and perhaps more fairy tale than epic fantasy. Temper your expectations accordingly; this is more like Sanderson-writes-Princess-Bride rather than 1000-page-Sanderson-Epic-Fantasy. Tress grew up on a small spit of rocky land in the middle of a green spore sea. No seawater, all green pollen that reacts violently when exposed to water. In the case of green spores, you get a wild vine explosion that can be rather, well, deadly if …

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