Game Thinking

Innovate smarter & drive deep engagement with design techniques from hit games

Paperback, 213 pages

Published Jan. 6, 2018 by

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How are market leading products born?Successful innovations may end up reaching a mainstream audience—but they never start off that way. That’s the paradox of innovation, most entrepreneurs fail to the typical people in your market are not the same ones you need to woo when bringing your idea to life.

Instead find the “superfans” hidden in your Those willing to take risk and put up with a messy or incomplete solution in order to start solving the problem your product will eliminate in the future. Show your idea to these people. See what they make of it. What do they love about it? Where does it seem to go in the wrong direction? Allowing these early fans to “play” with your idea gives you fast and accurate answers to your most pressing questions long before your product is designed and built.

Game Thinking supercharges your progressThat’s where Game Thinking comes …

1 edition