A valuable historic document
4 stars
The History of Mary Prince is a horrific and shocking book to read. I've read historical fiction about slavery before and found it emotionally difficult, but to actually encounter the (almost) authentic words of this slave woman is a completely different experience. I think what I found worst to stomach was the calm, rational way in which she speaks about what happened to her during her life - as though her atrocious treatment was normal. For her it Was normal. This should never be or have been normal.
The History of Mary Prince shows the inspirational strength of people who are thrust into the most awful of situations and not only survive, but also thrive and never lose hope. This same memoir also shows the most heartless and cruel aspects of human behaviour. It is absolutely not an easy read emotionally, but I think should be required reading in schools …
The History of Mary Prince is a horrific and shocking book to read. I've read historical fiction about slavery before and found it emotionally difficult, but to actually encounter the (almost) authentic words of this slave woman is a completely different experience. I think what I found worst to stomach was the calm, rational way in which she speaks about what happened to her during her life - as though her atrocious treatment was normal. For her it Was normal. This should never be or have been normal.
The History of Mary Prince shows the inspirational strength of people who are thrust into the most awful of situations and not only survive, but also thrive and never lose hope. This same memoir also shows the most heartless and cruel aspects of human behaviour. It is absolutely not an easy read emotionally, but I think should be required reading in schools everywhere. How had I never learned about Mary Prince before? Her name and her story should be common knowledge.
Mary Prince's words were edited 'for clarity' for the original pamphlet publication and I don't think a true record of her actual narration still exists which is a shame although her personality does shine through the memoir we have. I was also interested in the pompous letters and legal meanderings included in the edition of the book I read. Dating from Mary Prince's English battle to be allowed home as a free woman, it is exasperating to see the attitudes of the white men of the day arguing against her and, to a degree, for her. The History made a huge impact in England on publication and I am grateful to still be able to read such a valuable historic document today.