Basic writings

from Being and time (1927) to The task of thinking (1964)

452 pages

English language

Published Nov. 8, 1993 by HarperSanFrancisco.

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3 stars (6 reviews)

18 editions

Review of 'On time and being.' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

[a:Joan Stambaugh|211245|Joan Stambaugh|], one of Heidegger's last students, has done a nice job with this text. This work is the English translation of 3 of Heidegger's later lectures given in the 1960's including the lecture from which this book takes its title. In addition to the other two lectures there is a summary of students notes from the title lecture. It is significant that Heidegger chose to name this lecture after the unfinished section of his Being and Time. While it is not the section of that work that would have been included had Heidegger finished it in the early 1920's as opposed to the early 1960's, it demonstrates that the journey Heidegger was on philosophically didn't change from the basic question of being in spite of his hesitantly self-proclaimed Kehre or turning. As such this book is a "must read" in conjunction with Heidegger's early work as a …

Review of 'Basic writings' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Only read about half the essays in here. Origin of the Work of Art and What is Metaphysics were my favorites. If you like straight from the source old-school phenomenology, then this is for you. If not, you can live without it. Can't really say I got anything practical/useful/applicable out of it.