274 pages
English language
Published Jan. 24, 2016
Juan F. Thompson: Stories I tell myself (2016)
274 pages
English language
Published Jan. 24, 2016
"An intimate, close-up portrait of Hunter S. Thompson, fearless outlaw journalist, "avenging proxy for the American polity," whose manic first-person articles and exposés so interwoven with the getting of the story, gave rise to gonzo journalism (gonzagas-"fooled you"; bizarre). A portrait of the man: writer, brother, husband, manic searching soul who grew up with the times he inhabited, and in part created; a portrait most of all of the father: the alcoholic, drug fueled, charismatic, irresponsible, idealistic, sensitive man, by the son who lived through it all and thrived to tell the dangerous, complex, loving tale"--