Kindle, 182 pages

English language

3 stars (1 review)

You can either run fast...or die slow.

Once there was a man. Once this man had a child. Once this child was bitten. Once this child came back.

Ken Strickland has faced every parent's dream: a lost child, now returned. Ken has found every parent's nightmare: a lost child, returned as something else.

Facing his son, the world is spinning, picking up speed, moving too fast. Reaching a terminal velocity that could kill them all.

THE COLONY: VELOCITY is the fourth volume of an apocalyptic series by #1 bestselling novelist Michaelbrent Collings

From the author: As with so many of my books, there are twists and turns throughout THE COLONY: VELOCITY. So please remember: reviews are great, but please don't spoil the book for others by revealing the secrets!

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1 edition