Death of an unsung hero

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Tessa Arlen: Death of an unsung hero (2018)

302 pages

English language

Published March 28, 2018

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"In 1916, the world is at war and the energetic Lady Montfort has persuaded her husband to offer his family's dower house to the War Office as an auxiliary hospital for officers recovering from shell-shock ... Despite the hospital's success, the farming community of Haversham ... does not approve of a country-house hospital for men they consider to be cowards. When Captain Sir Evelyn Bray, one of the patients, is found lying face down in the vegetable garden with his head bashed in, both Lady Montfort and Mrs. Jackson have every reason to fear that the War Office will close their hospital"

2 editions


  • Fiction
  • Countesses
  • Investigation
  • Murder
  • Upper class


  • England
  • London