jayvall reviewed How to get lucky by Erin McCarthy (Sexy in NYC -- 3)
Review of 'How to get lucky' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
I usually prefer character driven plots over conflict driven plots, but this could have used a little more conflict. I suspect Erin McCarthy assumes readers are just as familiar with Allison's backstory as they would have been 7 years ago when [b:You Don't Know Jack|24060200|You Don't Know Jack (Sexy in NYC, #2)|Erin McCarthy|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1419454057s/24060200.jpg|2712336] came out since this is a continuation of that series. That wasn't the case for me, however, so I spent a lot of time wondering why Allison was so angry and snarky. Actually, she was really rude a lot of the time, not just snarky, so it made it hard to like her.
Also, it was pretty clear that this was self-published and could have benefited from a closer line edit. I found at least 4 typos that caused me to reread the sentence to figure out what word was wrong and what it should have been. …
I usually prefer character driven plots over conflict driven plots, but this could have used a little more conflict. I suspect Erin McCarthy assumes readers are just as familiar with Allison's backstory as they would have been 7 years ago when [b:You Don't Know Jack|24060200|You Don't Know Jack (Sexy in NYC, #2)|Erin McCarthy|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1419454057s/24060200.jpg|2712336] came out since this is a continuation of that series. That wasn't the case for me, however, so I spent a lot of time wondering why Allison was so angry and snarky. Actually, she was really rude a lot of the time, not just snarky, so it made it hard to like her.
Also, it was pretty clear that this was self-published and could have benefited from a closer line edit. I found at least 4 typos that caused me to reread the sentence to figure out what word was wrong and what it should have been. Errors like these are why I typically stay away from self-published books, so she's not really changing my mind on this. I picked up this Erin McCarthy because I've always enjoyed her contemporaries in the past, they are generally funny and the sex is always hot. This wasn't funny and the sex was only meh. If this is what her contemporary work is going to be like, maybe she should stick with NA.