Catship reviewed In die Wildnis by Erin Hunter
There's human gender all over these cats
3 stars
Among other stuff
Paperback, 288 pages
Romanian language
Published Jan. 9, 2003 by Editura ALL.
Timp de generații întregi, patru clanuri de pisici sălbatice au conviețuit în pădure după legile statornicite de către strămoșii lor războinici. Dar pisicile din Clanul Tunetului sunt în mare primejdie, iar sinistrul Clan al Umbrelor devine tot mai puternic pe zi ce trece. Războinici de seamă mor unul după altul, în moduri care de care mai misterioase.
În tot acest haos apare Roșcovanul, un biet pisoi de casă, care s-ar putea dovedi cel mai viteaz dintre toți.
„O carte plină de suspans, pentru toți cei care se întreabă ce visuri de grandoare nutrește motănelul de pe preșul de la ușă.“ Publishers Weekly
„După ce citești Pisicile războinice, nu mai ai încredere nici măcar în Motanul Încălțat.“
Among other stuff
my goodness what a hoot this book is. It’s pure melodramatic fluff that somehow still managed to suck me in for its silliness and constant meowing and hissing and purring
So we bought this book and the second in the series on a whim for my oldest boy to read. It turned out a good pick because since he's started reading them, it's all he talks about now. Lately, though, he keeps asking for me to read it. "I think you'll like it, Mommy." "Have you read the book yet, Mommy?" So, I guess it's time to read at least a few of the books. Here's to reading a book based on you child's recommendation.
So, turns out this is a decent read. I can definitely see the appeal for a child reading this. In fact, a lot of the young adult novels I read when I was around my son's age were very similar in plot and themes. I remember those books filling me with dreams of adventure and excitement. This book is definitely a good book to recommend …
So we bought this book and the second in the series on a whim for my oldest boy to read. It turned out a good pick because since he's started reading them, it's all he talks about now. Lately, though, he keeps asking for me to read it. "I think you'll like it, Mommy." "Have you read the book yet, Mommy?" So, I guess it's time to read at least a few of the books. Here's to reading a book based on you child's recommendation.
So, turns out this is a decent read. I can definitely see the appeal for a child reading this. In fact, a lot of the young adult novels I read when I was around my son's age were very similar in plot and themes. I remember those books filling me with dreams of adventure and excitement. This book is definitely a good book to recommend to kids who are ready for longer chapter books.