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What would you do if you found a stowaway in your motorhome after a Chanel crossing?

One couple, found a stowaway, reported him to the police, but then subsequently were fined £1500 for negligence in checking their vehicle before undertaking the crossing home.

We might conclude that Border Force UK is trying to disincentives such reports; if the couple had let the stowaway abscond nothing would have happened.

its what's called a 'perverse incentive'!


Trump to revoke legal status for 240,000 Ukrainians as US steps up deportations

"In addition to the 240,000 Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion, and the 530,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans, these programs covered more than 70,000 Afghans escaping the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan."


"A group of prominent military contractors, including former Blackwater CEO Erik Prince, has pitched the Trump White House on a proposal to carry out mass deportations through a network of 'processing camps' on military bases, a private fleet of 100 planes, and a 'small army' of private citizens empowered to make arrests."

~ Dasha Burns and Myah Ward



📢 Le RAAR dénonce la circulaire de Bruno Retailleau, un texte aux relents

- https://blogs.mediapart.fr/raar/blog/100225/la-circulaire-de-bruno-retailleau-un-texte-aux-relents-xenophobes

- https://raar.info/2025/02/le-raar-denonce-la-circulaire-de-bruno-retailleau-un-texte-aux-relents-xenophobes/

Le 23 janvier 2025, le ministre de l’intérieur a envoyé aux préfets une circulaire nocive.

Il s’agit de « maîtriser des flux migratoires, en particulier par la lutte contre l’immigration irrégulière », d’éviter toute « menace à l’ordre public » et de renforcer le « niveau d’exigence » imposé aux personnes étrangères résidant en France pour régulariser leur situation.

Dès son préambule, le texte associe l’immigration à une menace à l’ordre public.

Cette rhétorique permet de parler d’une population hétérogène, issue de parcours divers, de tous âges et de toutes conditions, comme d’un « flux ».
C’est le registre de la « vague », et c’est aussi celui de la « submersion » mobilisé par le Premier ministre François Bayrou quelques jours plus tard.

Les textes antérieurs …

"Then an idea was floated: What if there was a weeklong strike among the immigrant community?

A similar nationwide action was held on Monday, but some organizers say one day is not enough. The group settled on doing a grassroots Missouri-specific strike from Feb. 11 to Feb. 18 in hopes of catching the attention of other residents and lawmakers.

The organizer’s flyer reads: No work. No school. No spending."


‪📢 Communiqué du Réseau d'Actions contre l'Antisémitisme et tous les Racismes‬ ‪()

- https://raar.info/2025/02/soutien-au-collectif-des-jeunes-du-parc-de-belleville/

- https://blogs.mediapart.fr/raar/blog/060225/soutien-au-collectif-des-jeunes-du-parc-de-belleville

Soutien au collectif des Jeunes du Parc de .

Ils revendiquent légitimement leurs droits à un logement, à la santé et à l'éducation.

Mobilisons-nous alors qu'ils sont convoqués au Tribunal Administratif suite à une procédure d'expulsion de la Mairie de .

# Le texte complet

Le Réseau d’Action contre l’Antisémitisme et tous les Racismes (RAAR) exprime son soutien au collectif des jeunes du Parc de Belleville, qui depuis le 10 décembre 2024, occupent le centre culturel de la Gaîté Lyrique à Paris pour revendiquer leur droit à un logement digne et pérenne, leur droit à la santé et à l’éducation.

Ces jeunes, qui sont des mineurs isolés âgés de 15 à 17 ans, sont contraints de dormir dans des campements et sous …

“We Will Fight Back”: Aid Workers Fear Closing a Camp on the Arizona Border Will Endanger Migrants

For the past two years, religious and humanitarian organizations have provided food and aid to migrants at a camp near Sasabe, Arizona. Just before Donald Trump took office, volunteers were told to clear off federal land.


"On Holocaust Remembrance Day, migrants hide in the attic from Trump raids. ...

The fear is the point, and so, apparently, is the cruelty. ...

The irony of all of this — good people cowering in their attics, praying to avoid getting cuffed and shipped thousands of miles away by camouflage-wearing soldiers — happening on Holocaust Remembrance Day is almost unbearable."

~ Will Bunch



Gustavo Petro: "A migrant is not a criminal and must be treated with the dignity that a human being deserves.

That is why I had the US military planes that were carrying Colombian migrants returned.

I cannot make the migrants stay in a country that does not want them; but if that country returns them it must be with dignity and respect for them and for our country. In civilian planes, without treating them like criminals, we will receive our fellow citizens. Colombia is respected."
"There are 15,660 Americans established in Colombia illegally. They must approach our immigration service to regularize their situation.

I hope that the dialogue on Darien does not freeze. If there is no regularization, illegalities will increase. We already saw this when the US blocked Venezuela and caused the wave of migration to explode.

First is the dignity of Colombia and Latin America. Migrants are …