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Gustavo Petro: "A migrant is not a criminal and must be treated with the dignity that a human being deserves.

That is why I had the US military planes that were carrying Colombian migrants returned.

I cannot make the migrants stay in a country that does not want them; but if that country returns them it must be with dignity and respect for them and for our country. In civilian planes, without treating them like criminals, we will receive our fellow citizens. Colombia is respected."
"There are 15,660 Americans established in Colombia illegally. They must approach our immigration service to regularize their situation.

I hope that the dialogue on Darien does not freeze. If there is no regularization, illegalities will increase. We already saw this when the US blocked Venezuela and caused the wave of migration to explode.

First is the dignity of Colombia and Latin America. Migrants are …

The man in the White House announced Monday that God had placed him there, though he avoided placing his hand on the bible as he swore an oath.

He went to church Tuesday, something he almost never does, and heard Episcopal bishop Mariann Budde preach — to him.

He did not like what the bishop said to him in the name of the God he claims he represents. To wit:



Throughout the last century and a half, "most people have been
deported through expedited means in which they've received little to no due
process [..] and these have been coercive campaigns that have rounded up Mexicans in particular but many others"

welcomes , author of : America’s Long History of Expelling Immigrants



As we warned, people are having problems using e-Visas to travel back to the UK.

We asked the Home Office to make the simple change of allowing people to have a QR code. This could be saved or printed without having to rely on a flawed online-only system.

Many refugees are still waiting for their e-Visas. Without them, they can't work, set up a bank account, rent or claim benefits. The Home Office must fix this mess urgently.


I am back out at the migrant aid camp at the end of the border wall, 20 miles east of Sasabe, Arizona.
I got here a little bit ago but there is no one here. Kindled up the fire to heat a burrito I brought.

Border Patrol just drove out here to do their 8 PM pick up, but no asylum-seekers in camp. They'll come back at about 2 AM. They said it's been busier than normal lately, so I'll probably stay up a while and see if anyone shows up.

There has been a lot of talk of the Forest Service shutting down this camp and the border patrol closing the road to public access, so I want to take advantage of the next couple weeks and get as many photos and interviews with asylum-seekers as I can.

There is a solar powered satellite Internet set up here for …

The migrant aid camp at the end of the border wall is quiet tonight. Just me here, though I can hear some voices over on the Mexican side and saw the guides hanging out at their camp around dusk when I came back from my hike.

Border Patrol picked up about four dozen people this morning before I got here. I'm expecting Border Patrol to stop by around eight tonight, at 2 a.m. and then again at 7 AM. That is their usual schedule.

Multiculutralism is not something being done to Britain (as the Right frequently claim) but rather is how Britain is - for centuries each new wave of migrants has helped modify out habits & practices; this is how we became what we are.

To think otherwise is not having 'reasonable concerns' its wilfully obscuring the history of this country by assuming some (mythical) moment was the true Britain.

We need (as Kieran Connell says) 'to turn the page'!


Réseau contre l'Antisémitisme et tous les Racismes ()

Indécence des gouvernements européens, dont la France, qui se précipitent pour bloquer les demandes d' des Syriens, voire remettre en cause le statut des issus de alors que la situation n' y est pas stabilisée.

C'est une atteinte grave au droit d'asile !


Despite the rhetoric on immigration, the UK is highly dependent on working migrants;

But are these jobs are being 'stolen' from UK workers (as the anti-migration rhotic has it) or do they allow the UK to maintain a workforce that responds to an ageing population (& more problematically, a dependence on low-wage work).

For Labour policy, it may be difficult to keep economic activity going & crack down on net migration!

A shift away from anti-migrant rhetoric would be good!

Réseau contre l'Antisémitisme et tous les Racismes ()

⚖️ Né·e·s ici ou venu·e·s d’ailleurs, l’égalité des droits, c’est pour toutes et tous !

📢 Le 14 décembre 2024, avant la journée mondiale des migrants du 18 décembre 2024, nous appelons à manifester à 14h place de Clichy pour dire non au et pour défendre le respect des droits de toutes les personnes .

- https://www.ldh-france.org/ne-e-s-ici-ou-venu-e-s-dailleurs-legalite-des-droits-cest-pour-toutes-et-tous/

Meeting à 18h30 bourse du travail salle Henaff.

“The Home Office’s [e-Visa] delay will not fix the problems. In fact, it created additional problems and leaves many people without clear guidelines, especially after announcing that they would stop issuing new Biometric Residency Permits.

That means that people have nothing to prove their right to work, rent, or re-enter [the UK], and the Home Office has left them in darkness.”

🗣️ @sarahalsherif, ORG Programme Manager.
