Here's a thought...
If #KamalaHarris, someone he doesn't like, was able to manipulate #DonaldTrump by continuously baiting him last night, can you imagine the effect, the impact, of such manipulations by #VladimirPutin, a former #KGB agent, and skilled, experienced manipulator? If that thought doesn't give you pause, nothing will
See tagged statuses in the local BookWyrm community
Yet another former agent of the Kremlin defenestrated
#RussiaIsATerroristState #russia #kgb #spy #whale #beluga #slavaUkraini #hvaldimir
A near-contemporary of Mr #Putin who allegedly also worked for the #KGB, the leader of the #Moscow Patriarchate views the war as a spiritual cause, and is one of its most relentless propagandists.
In the hope of exerting influence and maintaining unity, there has been a reluctance to exclude #Kirill’s ROC from various ecumenical organisations.
#Hacken für die #Rechtsstaatlichkeit: "#Cyber #Partisans" kompromittieren #Geheimdienst von #Belarus:
"#KGB von Belarus angeblich gehackt: Telegram-Bot soll Angestellte deanonymisieren
Beim Geheimdienst von Belarus wurden angeblich fast zehntausend Personalakten abgegriffen. Wer will, soll nun Angestellte über ein Foto identifizieren können."
Two hospitals in #Kyiv were evacuated after the head of the #KGB of #Belarus, Ivan #Tertel, said on video that the two hospitals in Kyiv hosted military personnel.
"Two hospitals are being evacuated, one of which is a children's hospital on Bogatyrska Street."
- Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko
#Taurus now.
And train and prepare for F35, for submarines with nukes for Ukraine, ..
Just in case this is ever required, so it then can be delivered immediately.
No appeasement for hitler / stalin like russian dictator.
He said russia has no borders. It has: the ones we set.
#Ukraine #War #StandWithUkraine
#putin #psychopath #massmurderer
#russia #warcrimes #genocide #kleptocrat #fascist #neocolonial #oligarch #billionaire #fsb #kgb #killings #poisoning #torture #rape #terror #maffia
Alexej #Nawalny ist tot, der Mörder heißt Vladimir #Putin, der jeden seiner Kritikerinnen oder Kritiker kaltstellt. In stalinistischer #KGB-Manier. Der Meister hat sein Werk verrichtet.
Die Folgen der #Zivilcourage gegen solche Meister sind manchmal wirklich schwer zu ertragen. Mir wird schwer ums Herz und zugleich weiß ich, dass aus dem Bewusstsein heraus getragene gute Taten ewig wirken.
Gott hab ihn seelig!
Cory Doctorow replied to Cory Doctorow's status
Content warning Long thread/5
#10yrsago @Bluejo What Makes This Book So Great
#5yrsago Agency: @GreatDismal's followup to #ThePeripheral turns #Neuromancer on its head
#5yrsago Latvia opens up its #KGB files and names 4,000+ “informants,” many of whom claim they were framed
#5yrsago The EU’s ambitious, fearless #antitrust czar is unlikely to win another term
Andrus Ansip, actual vicepresidente de la Comisión Europea y exprimer ministro de Estonia, asegura que el 85 por ciento del presupuesto del KGB se gastaba «no en desvelar secretos sino en distribuir mentiras».