#DeepSeek: “The conclusion would be that, by Stebbing's standards, I wasn't thinking because there's no genuine puzzlement. However, the process mimics thinking through structured information processing. I need to explain this distinction clearly.”
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New University of #Groningen Press publication 🥳
➡️ Spinoza’s #Yoga: Practice of #Power and Experience of the Infinite
🔗 https://books.ugp.rug.nl/ugp/catalog/book/202
#University of Groningen Press is an #OpenAccess publisher, providing a publishing platform for #journals, #books and series, inaugural lectures and open textbooks by #teachers and #researchers working at or with the #University of Groningen.
To that extent, the flourishing of one person depends on and influences the flourishing of other things in the world – including other people and animals as companions, the plants and soil which provide food for survival, rivers and oceans that are a source of water, and the Sun which gives the energy that sustains life on Earth.
Complementarity has been used by African philosophers
#philosophy #Africa #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #pollution #environment #climate
What Is Infinity? A Philosophical Approach
Infinity shapes philosophy, science, and ethics, challenging our understanding of reality, existence, and the limits of human thought.
By Viktoriya Sus
Explanation in Biology by Lauren N. Ross, 2025
This Element examines philosophical accounts of scientific explanation, particularly those that apply to biology and the life sciences. Two main categories of scientific explanation are examined in detail -causal explanations and non-causal explanations.
Living in the End Times, Slavoj Zizek, Verso, London, 2018. The Essential Zizek. There should be no longer be any doubt: global capitalism is fast approaching its terminal crisis. But if the end of capitalism seems like to many the end of the world, how is it possible for Western society to grasp what it conceives of as the end times? New Paperback.
The Derveni papyrus is an Ancient Greek papyrus roll that was discovered in 1962 at the archaeological site of Derveni, near Thessaloniki, in Central Macedonia. #MostDiscussed #Philosophy #Books #ClassicalGreeceAndRome #Greece #Archaeology https://www.mostdiscussed.com/article/393819
Hey hi, I'm Justin!
I read a lot of books, draw a lot of comic stuff, and love Spider-Man way more than I should as a 26 year old man!
Always down to talk about anything Marvel or DC, discuss all thing psychology and philosophy, and please help me figure out how to make the perfect brew of pour over coffee!!!
Anyway, happy to be here on Mastodon and to leave the meta verse behind! 🤘😁
#Introduction #comics #philosophy #coffee
#SocialExperienceDesign is pragmatically based on existing show-dont-tell #technosphere and its societal disruption machine. #SX focuses on #sociosphere to bridge tech-to-#people chasm and realign tech-to-#humanity
Does society have social experience?
Does activism count as social experience? Can urgency be JIT lazy-loaded?
Do intrinsic solutions exist?
Can we weave social fabric?
Can we spark commons?
If a technosphere brings new fediverse, can a sociosphere renew our universe?
Dive into the archive of German philosopher Helmuth #Plessner consisting of 13,000 letters to academics such as Theodor #Adorno or members of The #New School for #Social #Research.
While the letters themselves still remain under copyright wraps, the metadata is now accessible through #LinkedOpenData offering a glimpse into 20th-century intellectual networks.
🔗 https://lod.ub.rug.nl/s/plessner-archive/page/welcome
#OpenData #histodons #philosophy #sociology #history #DigitalHumanities
"Actual happiness always looks pretty squalid in comparison with the overcompensations for misery. And, of course, stability isn't nearly so spectacular as instability.
And being contented has none of the glamour of a good fight against misfortune, none of the picturesqueness of a struggle with temptation, or a fatal overthrow by passion or doubt. Happiness is never grand."
- Brave New World
Aldous Huxley, English writer & philosopher
Chain-of-thought reasoning model wrestling with a temporal metaphor: https://www.truesciphi.ai/p/computing-time
A #philosophy byte: Is having a #CommonsIdeology, an #ideology that is shared and binding force for an open #commons, a case where ideology as #concept is fine and unproblematic when reasoning #society-scale and solve its wicked problems?
Or is ideology as concept by definition flawed for any real practice use, since it can never account for the intricacy of the complex #SocialDynamics that are at play. A simplification, #coping mechanism for #people to think order to chaos.
New paper out: Claudia Favarato (@unibayreuth) discusses the insights that African political philosophies can offer for studying the political sphere in digital contexts. She argues that its relational approach provides valuable insight into #digital political onto-relationalities, revealing #power within in-between spaces and illuminating their dynamics.
➡️ https://doi.org/10.34669/wi.wjds/5.1.4
#research #academic #philosophy #transregional #postcolonial #digitalization #humanities
Simone Weil: Voluntary Worker
The weeks Weil spent working in French factories helped to develop her ideas about the meaning and value of labor.
By: Emily Zarevich