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Hi . I have a side quest while I'm here: find the kernel & systems (not just Linux!) people from Melbourne and either crash their existing hangout, or make a new one. I work alone and would like to talk shop with people in my time zone! Find me!

Also, feel free to come talk/heckle/yell at me about . I've got a few of @dexter's RUN ZFS stickers left and I'd love to give you one!

We need more of you lot to buy your tickets ASAP, and not leave it to the last minute please.


Oh! So you already have a ticket? Awesome, please convince a friend, colleague or family member that they should come too!

Oh! You're speaking? Spruik your talk!!

This time next weekend I'll be gradually making my way to the fair city of Adelaide, and I can't wait to see everyone, and learn all the things!

Also - these keynotes!?! Oh my!


Goooood Morning

Please Boost.

The @everythingopen conference has had 2 editions. The next episode takes place in Adelaide in January

It’s grown out of the community that ran linux.conf.au for over 20 years.

It is an evolution.
As co-chair of the sessions committee alongside @saera I seek to invite new and different voices to share their perspectives and experiences of “open” tech, culture, and community.

We have removed requirement that all software must have an OSI license, or that you must be a project lead to speak.

People who use closed software to create open culture are also expressly welcome!

Open is about more than code.

Call for sessions due to close tomorrow, we may extend, we may not. Don’t risk it, share your session NOW


It’s a pity that the practicalities of solar panels and electric cars meant that—outside of those wacky ultralight ultrawide desert racing contraptions—solar powered cars can’t exist. Until we found out what Starlink is REALLY for. Deposit coin, and as many satellites as you can afford will deploy their little parasols and concentrate sunlight on your Tesolar SUV’s panel.

I just want to take a moment to thank @everythingopen for offering a remote attendance option this year. Even with the slightly bumpy start to streaming this morning it’s been great to watch along from home in real time of a conference I couldn’t attend in person.

(Yes I could have just waited for the video releases in a few weeks. But I appreciate the option to be able to contribute to the costs of recording /streaming, and watch while others are discussing it.)