Today in our #EverythingOpen redux, we present @ctudball, who takes us on a tour of how the#InfoSec landscape has changed, the move to #ZeroTrust, #OpenStandards efforts, and the advent of #OCSF - a standard #taxonomy for representing #SIEM events, and the platform-agnostic @opentelemetry.
See tagged statuses in the local BookWyrm community
In this stunning #keynote from #EverythingOpen, Professor #RebeccaGiblin from #UniMelb takes us on a tour of #ChokePointCapitalism - her new book with @doctorow - showing how #BigTech has place chokeholds on the work of #artists and #creators, and how the #OpenSource ethos can help.
Get the book at:
Enforcing Privacy Rights Against Big Tech and Big Surveillance
#linux #opensource #everythingopen #privacy #event #australia
In this engaging and entertaining talk from #EverythingOpen, Dr @lindamciver of the Australian Data Science Education Institute shares her experiences in teaching children critical #datascience skills using #OpenData.
She shows how real world #data helps spark questions, pique curiosity, and above all, show young minds pathways into a skill of the future.
To ease you into the weekend, have a watch of this excellent #EverythingOpen #keynote by @sebchan Director and CEO of #ACMI, who covers the role of open technologies in practices such as #digitisation, #preservation, #curation, and re-interpretation, creating "the possibility of the museum as a physical and social interface to a physical and digitised archive".
We hope you enjoy this as much as we did!
All 50 #EverythingOpen talks we have permission to release are now on YouTube & the LA mirror.
If you downloaded videos 1-2 weeks ago - there's ~15 videos that needed additional post-production.
#EverythingOpen @Greebo Creating open source legislation as code
#EverythingOpen Keynote: Seb Chan - Seb Chan
#EverythingOpen Keynote: Lyndsey Jackson - Lyndsey Jackson
#EverythingOpen Keynote: Rebecca Giblin - Rebecca Giblin
#EverythingOpen @lindamciver Raising Heretics on a Diet of Open Data
#EverythingOpen @firstyear Webauthn, Passkeys, and You - The Future of Authentication
If you enjoyed @hughhalf's amazing #keynote at #EverythingOpen, he's followed up with a set of resources and links at his blog 👇
And if you'd like to recap, the video is now online on YouTube here:
and on the @linuxaustralia mirror at:
A 💖 love 📨 letter to
With special shout outs to
@saera @JoelAddison
and @FCTweedie and the rest of the volunteer crew who made #EverythingOpen happen!
39 videos of #everythingopen are uploaded (some pending approval) - the remaining ~12 require more postprod (continuing today). I'll tweet again once they're all up (few days off).
LA mirror WebM encodes will start going up soon.