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New: Niranjan's queer dark fantasy romance (bi, non-binary): Memories of Forgotten Waves.

He can choose to forgive, but can he ever trust again?

Aderin is the prince of the merpeople, the pampered only son of his parents and a beacon of hope for all magical creatures of the sea. When a group of humans calling themselves the Brotherhood of...


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British lexicographer and philologist James Murray died in 1915.

His profound knowledge of languages and philology eventually led him to London, where he became involved with the Philological Society. In 1879, James Murray was appointed the chief editor of the "New English Dictionary on Historical Principles," which would later be known as the Oxford English Dictionary.


Books by James Murray at PG:

One of many frustrations in reading non-OA digital , or even books on proprietary platforms (like Kindle or G Play), is that I can't copy/paste ad lib. There are limits () to prevent users from pasting together a complete & unshackled copy. I never want to do that. But I often want to copy more than the platform allows. To me this is part of serious note-taking.

My workaround is to photograph my screen with an phone & use to turn the image into text.

"Dal primo giorno che ho scritto, io non ho mai voluto e saputo essere altro che una fedele e umile cronista della mia memoria. Mi sono affidata all'istinto e non credo che mi abbia ingannato."

"From the first day I wrote, I never wanted and knew how to be anything but a faithful and humble chronicler of my memory. I relied on instinct, and I don't think it fooled me."

~Matilde Serao (14 March 1856 – 25 July 1927)

Italian journalist and novelist Matilde Serao died in 1927.

She was the first woman called to edit an Italian newspaper, Il Corriere di Roma and later Il Giorno. Serao was also the co-founder and editor of the newspaper Il Mattino, and the author of several novels. She never won the Nobel Prize in Literature despite being nominated on six occasions.

Books by Matilde Serao at PG: