The storm had now definitely abated, and what thunder there was now grumbled over more distant hills, like a man saying "And another thing..." twenty minutes after admitting he's lost the argument.
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"My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre," Ford muttered to himself, "and that I am therefore excused from saving Universes."
Since Tyrannio has arranged my books, the house seems to have acquired a soul.
[Postea vero quam Tyrannio mini libros disposuit, mens addita videtur meis aedibus.]
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) Roman orator, statesman, philosopher
Epistulae ad Atticum [Letters to Atticus], Book 4, Letter 8, sec. 2 (4.8.2) (56 BC) [tr. Winstedt (1912)]
Sourcing, notes, alternate translation:…
#quote #quotes #quotation #books #home #house #library #soul
We’re really good at it, Teppic thought. Mere animals couldn’t possibly manage to act like this. You need to be a human to be really stupid.
One has no wish to be devoured by alien monstrosities, even in the cause of political progress.
— One of the Tribunal, in “Carnival of Monsters”
Particles of raw inspiration sleet through the universe all the time. Every once in a while one of them hits a receptive mind, which then invents DNA or the flute sonata form or a way of making light bulbs wear out in half the time. But most of them miss. Most people go through their lives without being hit by even one.
Some people are even more unfortunate. They get them all.
(Wyrd Sisters)
janhoglund replied to janhoglund's status
There is no timeline on the truth. Unfortunately, there is a timeline on consequences.
—Sarah Kendzior, Your Questions Answered: We're Already in the Aftermath
(Sarah Kendzior’s Newsletter Feb 26, 2025)
The one duty we owe to history is to rewrite it.
-- Oscar Wilde
I was no longer of the opinion that one can simply be a bystander. —Hannah Arendt
Stephen King's "Books are a uniquely portable magic" as seen by... artificial intelligence #AI #books #quote
If the main pillar of the system is living a lie, then it is not surprising that the fundamental threat to it is living in truth. —Václav Havel
You represent a poor investment of my time and energy.
— The Black Guardian, to Turlough, in “Terminus”
How do you judge the actions of people of the past?
I like to approach history with a sense of intellectual curiosity, and while there's some moralizing that can be done, it's not what I mainly learn history for.
The story of the Committee of Public Safety from September 1793 to July 1794 is one such instance. There's of course a common perception that Robespierre and his allies have employed extreme violence to suppress anyone who opposed them.
江(阅读引用版) quoted 盜書密令: 墨水戰爭1 by Rachel Caine (墨水戰爭, #1)
二〇二五年,圖書館統治世界,人們失去閱讀的自由,偷書甚至比殺人更致命。 知識就是一切(Tota est scientia)! 【在圖書館統治世界的時空,你必須知道這些規則】 *作者完成著作,必須歸檔到亞歷山大總圖書館,無權私自留存。 *子圖書館的魔法「空書」可在有人索取該內容時,透過法術暫時出現空書裡。 *私下交易書籍及流通手抄本是違法行為,最重可判死刑。 *圖書館為中立國家,不介入國與國的戰事。 *然而,若有人對書本或圖書館員造成威脅,圖書館有權以一切手段自衛。
法老也听见了你的请求,希望能让女性在不需他人陪伴的状况下单独进入赛拉潘神殿这样的圣地。法老运用其智慧拒绝了这个请求。因为女性须由更加有智慧的男性指导,才能确保她们不会误解图书馆提供的丰富知识。比起缺乏知识,知识遭到扭曲当然更不理想。 法老与诸神将会赋予这份伟大的作品永恒的喜爱与保护。
本信另有手写注解,由卡勒马科斯亲笔撰文—— 运用智慧个头。竟用这种自大的态度蒙蔽、阻挠世上整整一半的人!我是不会接受这种事的。只要有意愿,女人也应该能在赛拉潘神殿读书。 他想斩我首级,随他去。这世上被浪费的智慧已经够多。 我有女儿。而且,她会有读书的权利。
— 盜書密令: 墨水戰爭1 by Rachel Caine (墨水戰爭, #1) (Page 1)
You can find treasures every time you visit your library 😄 #quote #libraries #books