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rode a penny farthing. His nephew Nicholas Alexeivich visited Kropotkin in 1886 as a child and later recalled in a 1931 article that, “I remember that our uncle astonished us with his adroitness in physical exercises, in bicycling, when that was still new in England” 」

водил пенни-фартинг. Его племянник Николай Алексеевич в детстве гостил у Кропоткина в 1886 году и позже вспоминал в статье 1931 года: «Я помню, что дядя поразил нас своей ловкостью в физических упражнениях, в езде на велосипеде, когда это было еще в новинку в Англии» 」

Собственноручное письмо на почтовой карточке, адресованное издателю К.Ф. Кейзнову. Лондон, 28 июня 1912 г.

В письме говорится о технических моментах подготовки рукописи: о внесении изменений в карты и приложения, о добавлении иллюстраций. Вероятно, речь идёт об издании: P. Fields, factories and workshops or Industry combined with agriculture and brain work with manual work. London: T. Nelson & Sons, 1912. (, П. Поля, фабрики и мастерские: промышленность, соединенная с земледелием, и умственный труд с ручным. Лондон, 1912). Книга содержала более двух десятков приложений, и практически в каждом новом издании они исправлялись и дополнялись.

“Yes, gentlemen, it is with a heavy heart and the deepest of distaste that we order letters to be opened, but it is entirely because the country (i.e. the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie) is in danger”
“Да, господа, с глубоким отвращением вскрываем мы письма, но что же делать, ведь отечество (вернее, аристократия и буржуазия) в опасности!”


Peter Kropotkin: Взаимопомощь как фактор эволюции (Russian language, 2007, Самообразование) 4 stars

Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution is a 1902 collection of anthropological essays by Russian …

Уже с самого начала, с фактами на руках, как биолог биолога, ебёт теорию Дарвина о “борьбе за выживание” и обезьянничающих ему социалистов/коммунистов с их социальными теориями, доказывая, что в животном мире наблюдается взаимопомощь. «Высшее понимание: “никакого мщения за обиду” и принцип: “Давай ближнему не считая — больше, чем ожидаешь от него получить”, провозглашаются как действительные принципы нравственности…»

#Kropotkin #Кропоткин

To this day, Mexico honors Ricardo Flores Magon, and his brothers, who led the anarchist revolution in, and occupation of, Tijuana and other northern Baja California towns in 1911, during the early days of the Mexican Revolution.

Berlin has a Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in the Mitte neighborhood. I spoke at a radio station there, about Food Not Bombs, back in the early 1990s. Germany has at least one street named after Emma Goldman.

There is a Kropotkinskaya metro station in Moscow & Mount Kropotkin in Antarctica. There are still numerous schools around the world named for Spanish anarchist educator Francisco Ferrer. And numerous places have streets or squares named after Karl Marx.

But where are the revolutionary street and place names in the U.S.? Emma Goldman and Ricardo Flores Magon both spent considerable portions of their lives in the U.S., including time in U.S. prisons (Magon died in Leavenworth). Joe Hill's music …

Today in Labor History May 18, 1814: Russian anarchist militant and philosopher Mikhail Bakunin was born. In Paris, in the 1840’s, he met Marx and Proudhon, who were early influences on him. He was later expelled from France for opposing Russia’s occupation of Poland. In 1849, the authorities arrested him in Dresden for participating in the Czech rebellion of 1848. They deported him back to Russia, where the authorities imprisoned him and then exiled him to Siberia in 1857. However, he escaped through Japan and fled to the U.S. and then England.

In 1868, he joined the International Working Men’s Association, leading the rapidly growing anarchist faction. He argued for federations of self-governing workplaces and communes to replace the state. This was in contrast to Marx, who argued for the state to help bring about socialism. In 1872, they expelled Bakunin from the International. Bakunin had an influence on the …

Today in Labor History January 8, 1883: In Lyon, France the trial of the anarchists known as "the 66" began on this date. "The 66" were accused of promoting workers' strikes and the abolition of the rights of property, family, fatherland and religion. Leaders like Peter Kropotkin, Emile Gautier, Joseph Bernard and Toussaint Bordat received four years in prison, while 39 of their cohorts received sentences ranging from six months to three years.

Peter Kropotkin: Die Entwicklung der anarchistischen Ideen (Paperback, German language, 1919, Verlag Der Syndikalist) No rating

Die Schrift „Entwicklung der anarchistischen Ideen“ ist eine Übersetzung aus der “Encyclopedie du mouvement syndikaliste“. …

📕️Neuerwerbung der Gustav-Landauer-Bibliothek Witten:

Peter Kropotkin:

Die Entwicklung der anarchistischen Ideen 📈️🏴️💡️

Die Schrift „Entwicklung der anarchistischen Ideen“ ist eine Übersetzung aus der “Encyclopedie du mouvement syndikaliste“. Es ist eine knappe Zusammenfassung oder auch eine frühere Version seiner viel umfangreicheren Schrift „Moderne Wissenschaft und Anarchismus“. Beginnend mit den Vorläufern des 18. Jahrhunderts, über die Französische Revolution bis zur den Aigitatoren und Theoretikern Fourier und Proudhon, über die internationale Arbeiter-Assoziation, den Kommune-Aufstand bis zu den verschiedenen Ausprägungen um die Jahrhundertwende, die mutualistische Richtung, den individualistischen Anarchismus und den kommunistischen Anarchismus.

(Quelle: Packpapierverlag)

#Witten #GLBibW #Anarchismus #PeterKropotkin #Kropotkin

“Active intervention of friends, neighbours, passers-by would prevent a large proportion of conflicts. Let it be everybody’s duty… to interfere between fighting people, and police will not be required at all,” (Kropotkin 1902). In the case of unjust violence, persons have the right to defend themselves and defend others. When possible, this can take the forms of breaking up fights as well as many people taking up the initiative to do so. When breaking up a fight is not as immediately possible, there can be more escalated forms of self-defense and defense of others as needed until the violation of freedom caused through unjust violence ceases. Self defense and defense of others is rooted in stopping harm and preserving the right to self-management of each and all. Defense of self-management through self-management provides a standard of violence against a monopolization thereof. This approach of self defense and defense of others …

I've been meaning to redo my introduction for a while.

My name is Sacha (He/Him) and I’m a comic artist from Quebec. I’ll be posting my personal art here (mainly fantasy/sci-fi stuff) I am currently actively taking commissions for and characters.

I also draw a historical YA comic called Seeds of Spring about Peter Kropotkin. The series is available from Microcosm Publishing.


Today in Labor History May 18, 1814: Russian anarchist militant and philosopher Mikhail Bakunin was born. In Paris, in the 1840’s, he met Marx and Proudhon, who were early influences on him. He was later expelled from France for opposing Russia’s occupation of Poland. In 1849, the authorities arrested him in Dresden for participating in the Czech rebellion of 1848. They deported him back to Russia, where the authorities imprisoned him and then exiled him to Siberia in 1857. However, he escaped through Japan and fled to the U.S. and then England.

In 1868, he joined the International Working Men’s Association, leading the rapidly growing anarchist faction. He argued for federations of self-governing workplaces and communes to replace the state. This was in contrast to Marx, who argued for the state to help bring about socialism. In 1872, they expelled Bakunin from the International. Bakunin had an influence on the …