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Jetzt gibt es eine Live-Premiere Rollenspiel auf Youtube!

@orkenspaltertv mit dem ist mit einer zweiten Runde zurück!

Mhaire leitet "Rivers of London" mit außerordentlichem Gruselfaktor in einem alten Gebäude in London.

Ich spiele dieses Mal eine patente und etwas reaktionäre Polizistin, die sich nicht gern von anderen auf der Nase herumtanzen lässt (das aber natürlich manchmal aushalten muss).


Do you ever feel like you could be more productive if only you were involved in a few more meetings every day?

Don't worry! The Bureau of Macro-Management has announced new guidelines encouraging managers to engage employees in daily Stand-Up Calls, followed by two Sit-Down Meetings, and at least three Squat Conferences.

Because I was mentioning it to @strangequark and @Taskerland was just mentioning experienced tables being able to get by with some scribbled notes, I'd like to recommend "Murder Maps: Crime Scenes Revisited; Phrenology to Fingerprint 1811–1911" It's basically a serious writer who accidentally profiled classic murders in a manner gamers would recognise instantly - materials, maps, plot, characters. It's almost pick up and run CoC if you drip some ichor on it. Or straight?