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Am 23. November 1733 begann der #Sklavenaufstand auf St. Jan, es handelt es sich um einen der am längsten andauernden Aufstände in der Geschichte Amerikas, der bis August 1734 dauerte. Er ist auch einer der frühesten dortigen Sklavenaufstände.

Breffu: eine , eine , eine – und eine Frau, die in der Geschichte fast unsichtbar ist Die Rolle der Frauen in Konflikten geht in den archäologischen Aufzeichnungen oft verloren – aber Breffus Geschichte zeigt, wie wir manchmal einen Blick auf sie erhaschen können

Holly Norton, Di., 20. März 2018, 09:00 MEZ, Zuletzt geändert am Di., 20. März 2018, 15:28 MEZ

An einem frühen Novembermorgen im Jahr 1733 warteten auf St. Jan, einer kleinen Insel in den Dänischen Westindischen Inseln, zwei Sklaven vor einem kleinen Steinhaus, das einer Familie von Plantagenbesitzern, den Krøyers, gehörte. Die Sklaven und Christian lauschten auf das Geräusch einer Kanone, die …

Juchu, Hêlîn Dirik schreibt begeistert fast 1 Seite Rezension über unsere Neuerscheinung in der neuen @analysekritik: »Mit ›Feministische Internationale‹ ist eine beeindruckende historische Sammlung erschienen – ein Must-Read für alle, die sich materialistisch-feministisch organisieren.« Fett (im Abo komplett zu lesen): https://www.akweb.de/gesellschaft/der-sammelband-feministische-internationale-ist-ein-einblick-in-die-geschichte-der-proletarischen-frauenbewegung

Ahoj! I`ve been working on a collection of famous socialist, anarchist, activist and even some communist songs for about half a year now.

Music is important to every kind of topic and even more if you want to show a specific idea or worldview. So let`s show the world that "we" have a lot of tradition and music to offer. From very old (ca. 1890) to new (2024). From guitar folk & chants to metal and hip hop.

For now only on spotify (because it`s the nr. 1 music streaming platform):

If you want to have a look at the playlist as text (to find new songs or artists) you can click here: https://justpaste.it/hggzx
(Thanks to @ixi <3 )

Languages are english, german, spanish, russian, french. (ordered by number).

If you got songs/artists/bands that you are missing: Please let me know and I will add …

Ursula K. Le Guin on individual revolution: ‘The duty of the individual is to accept no rule, to be the initiator of his own acts, to be responsible. Only if he does so will the society live, and change, and adapt, and survive. We are not subjects of a State founded upon law, but members of a society formed upon revolution. Revolution is our obligation: our hope of evolution.’ ― The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia

Today in Labor History November 16, 1989: Six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her daughter were assassinated in El Salvador. They were among thousands killed by the military and right-wing death squads for speaking out for economic and social justice. The Jesuits were advocates of a negotiated settlement between the government of El Salvador and the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN). The murders attracted international attention and increased international pressure for a cease-fire. It was also a turning point that led toward a negotiated settlement to the war. Nine members of the Salvadoran military were tried. Only Colonel Guillermo Benavides and Lieutenant Yusshy René Mendoza were convicted. Everyone else was absolved or found guilty on lesser charges. Benavides and Mendoza were sentenced to thirty years in prison, but were released in 1993 by a legislature dominated by anti-guerilla and pro-military politicians.

Today in Labor History November 3, 1793: French playwright, journalist and feminist Olympe de Gouges was guillotined during the Reign of Terror (1793–1794) for attacking the regime of the Revolutionary government and for her association with the moderate Girondists. Her writings on women's rights and abolitionism reached a large audience in many different countries. She was also an outspoken advocate against the slave trade in the French colonies. In her Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen (1791), she challenged the practice of male authority and the notion of male-female inequality.


Today in Labor History October 22, 1956: Hungarian workers refused to obey their managers, calling instead for workers' self-management. The next day, the Hungarian Revolution began against the authoritarian government and subservience to the Soviet Union, after police shot and killed several student protesters who were trying present their sixteen demands for political and economic reforms to Magyar Radio. The uprising lasted 12 days, before being crushed by Soviet Tanks. Up to 3,000 workers and revolutionaries were killed. 13,000 were wounded. 200,000 were exiled. Hundreds of Hungarian and Soviet troops also died putting down the uprising.

"Ich hab mein Lebtag nicht gelernt,
mich fremden Zwang zu fügen.

Jetzt haben sie mich einkasernt, von Heim und Weib und Werk entfernt.
Doch ob sie mich erschlügen, sich fügen heißt lügen!

Ich soll? Ich muss? - Doch ich will nicht nach jener Herrn Vergnügen.
Ich tu` nicht, was ein Fronvogt spricht.
Rebellen kennen bessre Pflicht, als sich ins Joch zu fügen.

Der Staat, der mir die Freiheit nahm, der folgt, mich zu betrügen, mir in den Kerker ohne Scham.
Ich soll dem Paragraphenkram mich noch in Fesseln fügen.

Stellt doch den Frevler an die Wand!
So kann`s euch wohl genügen, denn eher dorre meine Hand, eh ich im Sklavenunverstand der Geißel mich sollt fügen. Sich fügen heißt lügen!

Doch bricht die Kette einst entzwei, darf ich in vollen Zügen die Sonne atmen.
Tyrannei? Dann ruf ich in das Volk: Sei frei! Verlern es dich zu fügen, sich fügen heißt …