"In a post-op follow-up with the Beverly Hills surgeon, he revealed that he “threw in a little bonus.” While under, he had performed a vaginal rejuvenation surgery, or vaginoplasty, on her without her consent."
I may be the only one dense enough to just arrive at a realization about the state of the U.S. government today. The Citizens United (2010) ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that made corporations into people, without limits to their political cash contributions, once seemed in the not distant past like a legal abstraction to me. And, the description of the U.S. government as an oligarchy by none other than Jimmy Carter in 2015 sounded like hyperbole. It’s like the consequences of Citizens United and subsequent related events snuck up on me while I was too busy making a living and supporting my family to pay much attention, which might have been part of the plan. (1/3)
I read that Zuckerberg is calling people who leave his platforms, "virtue signalers." Yup. Indeed. I'd also add, "ethics and morality signalers and patriots." We should all signal that we don't support this kind of behavior. With action.
An examination of more than 1,200 federal judges and state supreme court justices turned up dozens of judges who chose not to recuse when facing potential appearances of impropriety involving familial financial connections.
“BadAss Grandmas” Pushed for an #Ethics Commission. Then the North Dakota Legislature Limited Its Power. —
Led by a bipartisan group of women, North Dakotans voted to create an ethics oversight body six years ago. Since then, the group has received 81 complaints and has not substantiated a single one.
I wasn't going to respond but I'll bite - and I will probably regret it - but here we go. I'm taking your comment as mostly tongue-in-cheek but with a bit of an edge.
There is a very rich vein of thought from Christian ethics and theology that has had a big impact on how we think in the modern Western world. For example, the idea of an individual having inherent dignity of the person in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is inspired in large part from the concept of the Imago Dei in Judaism and Christianity.
I'm only about a quarter of the way through the book but it is interesting to see how Christianity tried to merge ethical thinking from the ancient Greek world (natural law and virtue ethics) and Judeo-Christian approaches (rules for a particular people situated in a social context). It would be stupid …
I wasn't going to respond but I'll bite - and I will probably regret it - but here we go. I'm taking your comment as mostly tongue-in-cheek but with a bit of an edge.
There is a very rich vein of thought from Christian ethics and theology that has had a big impact on how we think in the modern Western world. For example, the idea of an individual having inherent dignity of the person in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is inspired in large part from the concept of the Imago Dei in Judaism and Christianity.
I'm only about a quarter of the way through the book but it is interesting to see how Christianity tried to merge ethical thinking from the ancient Greek world (natural law and virtue ethics) and Judeo-Christian approaches (rules for a particular people situated in a social context). It would be stupid of us to close ourselves off from various strands of thought because of a very loud subsection of that community. Strands of thought that have a hidden impact on contemporary Western culture, society, and ethics.
Truth be told it is not possible to talk about "Christianity" in the singular but rather it should be talked about as "Christianities." All religions are very wide tents and contain a multitude of different approaches and theologies. It is the same in secular ideologies.
Christian ethics, writes theologian D. Stephen Long, is the pursuit of God's goodness by people …
I love the Very Short Introduction series and this year I want to read more of them. In grad school I had an opportunity to take two courses in theological ethics and I have since had an interest in Ethics more generally and religious ethics more particularly. Looking forward to brushing up a bit and learning more in 2025!
Letzter Checkup, bevor es auf nach #Hamburg geht: Gestern Abend die Präsentation fertiggestellt, heute Mittag gemeinsames Treffen für einen Probedurchlauf in Sachen #Cyberstrafrecht – und morgen um 13:50 geht es los im CCH Hamburg beim #38C3! Zusammen mit @fh4ntke referiere ich zum Stand der deutschen Reformbemühungen zum Schutz von White Hats – und ob der Reformvorschlag so ausreichend sein kann. Freue mich sehr auf den Vortrag und das gemeinsame Wiedersehen vor Ort in Hamburg! #hacker#ethics
STANDING Together—a Group building ‘STANdards for data Diversity, INclusivity, & Generalisablity’ established in 2021 as part of the #NHS AI Lab’s AI #Ethics initiative—publish their recommendations on how #Data is used when developing ✨ #AI technologies for #Healthcare.