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KI-Beschleuniger: Warum Broadcom Nvidia neue Konkurrenten bescheren könnte

Nvidia beliefert führende Hyperscaler mit KI-Chips, doch die jüngsten Umsatzzahlen von Broadcom könnten für das Unternehmen nichts Gutes verheißen.


I find the evolution of quite amazing. They went from ‘Do no evil’ to ‘Only do evil’. They have become the epitome of everything bad about American tech causing the creation of unique language just to describe how awful it can get.

It's both notable and deeply depressing how many nontechnical people I know who have unprompted told me how much they despise Overviews, which they inevitably describe as usually inaccurate and worthless, at which point they usually add how Google Search quality has declined enormously (in their own words, of course).

Then they sometimes say something like, "Hey Lauren, don't you know people at Google that you could tell about how bad this is getting?"

At which point I usually bite my tongue, which is increasingly feeling like a pincushion as a result.

Don't believe the happy face metrics that Google claims -- out in the real world this is a disaster.